sick day

    The sick day is celebrated on 14/01. It is opportune to always remember the sick, suffering creatures, but we always relate this condition to the physical illnesses that plague us, without exception. Since birth, we are affected by bacterial, viral, primary or opportunistic fungal diseases, among many other malignant or not that are hardships of the journey. In those cited, we make use of the resources of medical science that relieve us or even bring the long-awaited cure. Even if we don't reach a cure, we are relieved through the therapeutic arsenal available and always updated.

    But our infirmities are not just part of the physical body. The diseases of the body are nothing more than the ailments of the soul. They are consequences of our past lives, where we look for crooked paths, we see ourselves today, on the narrow roads of bitterness that require courage, patience and resignation so that we can travel through them.

    As a result of our thinking, these diseases are contracted due to the harmful energies that we produce and have a harmful impact on our cells. We become sick because of the energies we produce. They are both directly harmful to the physical body, as they are fertile fields for affinity with others of the same vibratory content. In the book “O Pensamento de Emmanuel”, written by Martins Peralva, we have on page 16: ”(…) thoughts 'are dynamic elements of induction', it expands our responsibility, regarding the simple “act of thinking”.

    sick day

    The weapons of disease are in ourselves. We do not depend on third parties, nor can we use other sources that bring us true healing, other than the power of thought that is configured in the energy plant we have. Unfortunately, we are unaware of this generous potential that God has bequeathed to us and that any of us can use it at no cost. Of course, it's not easy, since for that we need to root out the archetype that we store and we are reluctant to keep them, starting with selfishness and pride.

    By cleaning our thoughts and seeking to follow the words and example of Jesus, as He himself said in Mt 11:30: “(…) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light”, we will be sharing with Him the weight of our sufferings.

    The yoke he asserts is its moral content. He becomes soft because as we embrace his teachings, we will feel relieved. As an example, let's look at someone who forgives a disaffected person. How light you are when you free yourself from that weight! On the other hand, the one who hates, pursues and seeks revenge is “stuck” to disaffection, having his mind constantly tied to plans to injure in the best way the one he deems to be his enemy. How much suffering!

    When we accept the yoke of Jesus, we will be free from the prison that we have built and that we are imprisoned in it. These sick people of the “soul” are little remembered, but it is there that everything begins: happiness or suffering; heaven or hell that we harbor in our hearts.

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