Discover Multidimensional Therapy

We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. As far as healing is concerned, what does that mean?

It means that healing must begin by considering the individual as a whole, extending it to the four bodies: the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Recognizing this integration and harmonizing these bodies is critical to successful healing.

Blockages that prevent us from fully exercising our potential on earth and feeling at peace originate on a spiritual and multidimensional level. Problems related to self-esteem, disharmonious relationships, dealing with feelings related to losses (mourning, divorce), disputes (inheritance, custody, problematic separations), healing from repetitive patterns and limiting beliefs, chronic pain, healing the inner child, in short, anything can happen. and should be treated at these levels.

What is Multidimensional Therapy?

In my spiritual quest and for purpose, I found a valuable tool in Multidimensional Therapy.

This is an energy therapy that, respecting the law of free will and working through the heart chakra, allows the healing of the four bodies, working with the energies of love, peace and forgiveness. It is, in fact, a consciousness-raising therapy, where the therapist acts as a channel. Being an energy tool, the service can be done remotely.

Discover Multidimensional Therapy
Primipil / Getty Images / Canva

The therapy was born in 1989, in France, through channels of the Beings of Light by Hélène Abiassi, and later by the Portuguese João Paliteiro.

The first session lasts about an hour and thirty minutes, being a conversation to clarify the patient's needs, fifty minutes in which we work on healing and then a report where therapist and patient exchange what they felt during the session.

In the first consultation, patients usually report a feeling of peace and relaxation. Therapy is subtle, and it is important to be aware of the signs that the Universe brings regarding what is asked of the Beings of Light.

When we decide to incarnate in a physical body, we make several agreements necessary for our evolution. After a while, according to our merits, some of the contracts made become unnecessary and we can ask the Beings of Light for their release and learning through love rather than pain.

An example of an agreement made in other lives can be seen in a relationship in which one of the parties is no longer happy, but does not understand why they cannot get rid of that bond.

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As for physical treatment, personally I have seen that it is linked to the emotional cause of the illness, and one of the roles of the therapist in this case is to investigate this in his conversation with the patient.

As a therapist and life coach, it is possible to make use of both tools to combine healing with practical execution as spiritual paths are released.

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