5 tips to overcome fear of public speaking

One of the biggest fears of human beings is the so-called “glossophobia” (= fear of speaking to an audience). It's common to see people with a racing heart, dry mouth, shaky voice, stiff neck from having to speak to a certain group of people, and it doesn't even have to be a large group.

Such fear is often associated with introversion, however, even extroverted people suffer from the drama of exposing themselves, all over the world. It is more a matter of shyness, which generates some anxiety in the face of challenging situations, such as speaking to an audience.

Many think that good oratory is a gift, but this idea is a myth. It is linked above all to our emotional mastery, to our capacity for self-control. And that we can develop.

There are strategies that can help you get over that fear, if that's your case, and make amazing presentations. That's what this article shows.

1st face the fear

5 tips to overcome fear of public speaking

You have two options in your life: either you face fear or you run away from it. If you want to overcome the fear of public speaking, the only option is to face it. For this, you must control your anxiety and expose yourself to opportunities to practice your public speaking.

Researcher Daniel Goleman, author of the book Emotional Intelligence, states that we have two types of intelligence: one intellectual and the other emotional. It is the latter that commands our lives, because everything we do has an emotional background, even if we don't realize it.
So the first thing to do is work the mind to have new reactions in front of an audience. Search your memory for what blocks you. If it was a specific situation, remember it in minute detail and try to feel different than you did when it happened. Give new information to your mind. Create your own story.

Don't stand there thinking this is silly and it won't work. Know that our mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagination. It's the same neurons that work to make sense of these two things. So you can change a feeling from the past, just change what it means to you.

2nd Know your Oratory

5 tips to overcome fear of public speaking
Priscilla Du Perez/Unsplash

Maybe your big insecurity in dealing with an audience is because you don't know how you are as a speaker. You don't know what your voice is like, your gestures, your facial expressions. You yourself already disapprove without even knowing how to act orally.

That's why it's important for you to film yourself training or arrange for the filming (from your cell phone) of your presentation somewhere, so that you can later analyze yourself and correct your mistakes.

This way you will get to know yourself speaking and you will be able to identify the aspects that need to be improved. Maybe you realize that you talk too fast or that you have a language addiction that you need to eliminate or that you need to improve your posture.

Being aware of how you present yourself is a great start to improvement!

3rd Be ready

5 tips to overcome fear of public speaking
Product School/Unsplash

The truth is that people are not afraid of public speaking, they are afraid of “making it wrong” in public. So the more detailed you are mastering your presentation, the less likely you are to fail and thus less fear as well.

Being prepared doesn't just mean knowing the text by heart. It also means working on your posture, your movement and gestures, your voice, the way you interact with your audience. If necessary, seek professional help. What's wrong with that?!

4th Breathe Slowly

5 tips to overcome fear of public speaking

One of the most important things in life is breathing and it is one of the things that people pay the least attention to. Breathing sets the pace of our life. If we are calm, we breathe slowly; if nervous or agitated, we breathe rapidly.

When you breathe slowly and deeply, it oxygenates your brain and thus achieves much more concentration. When we're nervous or scared, we end up not breathing properly, so minutes before your presentation, it's important that you try to relax and just focus on your breathing.

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  • Understand the root of fear to know how to face it
  • Master Oratory: Tips for those who are afraid of public speaking
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5th. Use the imagination

5 tips to overcome fear of public speaking

Before a presentation, imagine yourself succeeding. Imagine people enjoying your speech and at the end everyone applauding what you said. Imagine that during the presentation you spoke confidently and demonstrated knowledge of the content.

All these positive thoughts will help you gain more confidence and let go of your nervousness. Public speaking is a challenge that can be overcome, and with these practices you can improve your public speaking skills.

Remember, it's not about talent, it's about training, so don't assume that overnight you'll be a spectacular speaker. But try to evolve your ability to express yourself every day.

Master Oratory. Practice! Communicate!

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