Discipline is freedom. What? Did I read it right? Will it be?

    Well, you read it right and that's it. Without discipline you get stuck. Stuck on what? If I can be free and do what I want whenever I want. This is cool!

    Not. Because when you do what you want whenever you want, you are being a slave to your small and fleeting desires. You're stuck with your ego, your false sense of self, which is always dissatisfied and wanting more. it's never enough. Always unhappy.

    It takes discipline if you want to discover who you are, your essence, your truth, your happiness. It is necessary to learn to have control over small and fleeting desires and work for something greater and eternal.

    You will never enter the dimension of the eternal if you don't work, if you don't establish a routine, if you don't choose a practice and dedicate yourself to it. If you don't give yourself time to be alone and silent every day, reconnecting over and over again. Cultivating internal observation space.

    Discipline is freedom. What? Did I read it right? Will it be?

    Because the solution is always within, it has never been anywhere else. The questions and answers are within, always have been. Looking inward requires discipline. Constant work. cultivating. Watering the plant every day.

    And when you connect, there's no more effort. Action comes from the heart and no longer feels like a sacrifice, and here comes true freedom. Because, knowing each other, it is understood that you have all the possibilities in your hands and that the choice is always made by the heart. The mind rests. And the body too. And slavery to desires ends.

    Are you free.

    Gratitude to the masters who teach so much, with love, the art of discipline and correct effort!

    May all beings be happy, free and live in peace!

    You might also like another text by the author: Excuses to Avoid Yourself

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