
Solomon was King of the Hebrews from 970 to 931 BC, son of David by Bathsheba, he was not the first in the line of succession to the ancient King of Israel, but he asked God to go and He granted his request - moreover, he passed on Solomon a high wisdom to rule. The King followed this path in his early years of Reign.

The first years of his Kingdom were prosperous for the people and for monumental buildings. In Jerusalem, he built the Temple of Solomon, as the ark of the covenant, in honor of Yahweh (God). In its fourth year of government the temple was completed. His riches were endless. Unlike his father, David, it was not a reign of conquests of territories, but of affirmations. He was not a warrior, but a wise judge. The most challenging part had been her father.

Several kings from different and distant places came to consult him to drink from his wisdom. Once, two women said they were mothers of a child, to satisfy them, she said the following: "Cut the baby in half and give half to each one". The first woman was satisfied, while the second said that she could give the child to the other, as she would rather see her child with another woman than see him dead, the King had no doubts that the second was the mother and gave him the baby.

Konevi / Pixabay

It so happens that even the wisest of men succumb in the eyes of God. When he received the crown, God had asked him not to get involved with women from other kingdoms, as they would bring pagan, polytheistic messages. Solomon not only did it, he exaggerated it, he married 700 princesses and 300 concubines, many of whom were not Hebrews, so over time his heart was not turned to his only God, something his father, David, managed to do throughout your government.

Another unpleasantness that came to him was vanity, fraught with selfishness, with many women and full of riches, his most precious gift had been extinguished: wisdom. He was contaminated by material aspects and forgot to judge impartially and, over time, became egocentric, his own sayings confirm this in the Bible, mentioning "I" several times.

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Furthermore, he was greedy, even though he was the richest man in the whole world, he wanted more and more, he raised taxes from his people, instead of not collecting them. But why did he do this to the people? He had it all! Because he had a void in him and he tried to fill it that way. That's what many people do in their lives. Solomon succumbed to this, but there is a positive example: Buddha. He, before being Buddha, was a prince, holder of various riches, wife, son and he abdicated everything to live a life of spiritual search, of true completeness.

Unfortunately, many repeat what Solomon did in the past, they live for themselves, with their external vanity, they do not see their inner beauty, so that they can expel it to the outside and thus infect others. You don't need to be a King to do it, just be who you really are, and that one day you were lost, but it's there... let your "Buddha" emerge.

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