The importance of conscious fashion

    Conscious fashion is a way "good" to produce fashion. It is a concept that has been gaining more and more strength and is related to the awareness of the impacts of the fashion world on the environment and society. The main objective of this new means of production is to create products consciously, considering the materials used, the development processes, the people involved and the consumers.

    The importance of conscious fashion

    For you to understand the importance of this proposal and the situation we are experiencing today, let's talk about some important facts:

    1. Humanity consumes 30% more natural resources than the Earth's capacity to renew.

    2. If current production and consumerism behavior is maintained, by 2050 we will need two Earths to sustain us (TWO EARTHS!).

    3. A quarter of mammals will be extinct in the next 30 years (this year it was the turn of the white rhinos). And it goes without saying that this situation threatens life on the planet: ours, that of animals and nature.

    The importance of conscious fashionCurrently, most fashion brands follow a fast-fashion production style, based on mass production, globalization, fashion trends, speed, consumerism, low prices and the premise: quantity over quality. Conscious fashion, on the other hand, is made up of brands with a purpose, which believe in “lowsumerism” (balanced consumption), in ecological, ethical products and in the premise: less is more. But the truth is that conscious fashion is made by the consumer.

    Things will only really change when we, in our role as consumers, begin to understand the impact that the products we consume have on nature and society. It is important to remember that when we buy products from socially responsible companies, we play our role as an agent of transformation in society. It is the search and purchase of products made by hand or by small artisans, it is the choice to buy from brands that care about the environmental impact and the durability of their products, it is the demand for products made in a fair and ethical way that will really change the dynamics of the fashion market.

    That's why it's important to buy products from cool brands, which invest in recyclable and ethical materials and processes! Yes, sometimes products are more expensive, but you've heard the saying: "Or cheated you know dear"? Well, in this case the cheap comes out VERY EXPENSIVE long-term. Let's encourage these brands to continue growing and to strengthen the concept more and more, after all, the planet can't take so much inconsequential production anymore.

    Written by Marysabel Duran
    Instagram: @useooca

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