Detachment: balance your emotional and renew yourself

    Anyone who hasn't already felt dependent on a person or something in particular, cast the first stone.

    Attachment is an old acquaintance of the human being. We are accumulators, innate attachments, we keep our fears, sad stories, pain, sorrows, objects, houses, clothes, documents, tragedies, illnesses, security ideas, I would spend a day, a month, I think years listing everything we managed to accumulate.

    But we only do that because we have secondary gains.

    Our behaviors, no matter how bad they are labeled by ourselves or by society, always bring us something good, whether conscious or unconscious. Even an illness brings us something good, we receive more attention, we manage to be absent with justification for the boring work we do, we hurt other people, leaving them feeling guilty about our illness. There are countless forms of reward and benefits and with that we get attached to these situations, people, things.

    However, this attachment is harmful to our mental and physical health, over time it becomes depression, phobias, fears, anxiety, a prison. And the worst thing is that only we have the key to freedom, but most of the time we can't free ourselves, we need help from a qualified professional.

    The first step is acceptance. Look at yourself and see if you have this problem, if you feel like a prisoner of yourself, attached to people, things, situations, patterns that are repeated in your life. Before making a decision, what do you consider?

    The second step has to do with control, our dear illusion of control, it does not exist. Stop now and take five minutes without breathing, now 15 minutes. Impossible, right, we don't even control our breathing, let alone control what is external, over other people, over time, over things. The only thing we can control is our feeling, our interior, through self-knowledge, we control how our reaction will be in the face of experiences. We have that choice, and that choice makes all the difference.

    People die, move, enter and leave our lives, objects break and become obsolete, love relationships end, today it is sunny, tomorrow it rains and the next day very cold. You are getting older by the minute.

    We were born and we will die alone, so a great lesson in this life is in detachment. We take with us the feelings we had from our experiences. We take gratitude for the people we know. We take our self-knowledge and that's it. All that was material remains and continues in the continuous process of transformation.

    Detachment: balance your emotional and renew yourselfWe are constantly changing, nothing stands still, nothing is eternal, so this situation can change, you can be free again. The faster you learn and accept this, the easier your path to detachment will be.

    It is necessary to know your true essence, what makes you happy, what motivates you to find your freedom, your lightness, your peace.

    Some tips for your walk:

    • Make peace with your past. You and the other people who were part of it no longer exist, you are no longer the same. They've already changed, grown, learned new things. Take with you only the learning. Otherwise he will be glued to you every day, a burden;
    • Clean up your home or office, get rid of what is no longer useful, what is broken, ugly, useless, what brings sad memories. The new needs space;
    • Take responsibility for your happiness. Only you can make yourself happy, no one else;
    • Get to know yourself, work your feelings, have emotional intelligence, find your balance. We miss great opportunities and important people for not knowing how to express our feelings, our emotions.

    I am happy that you have reached the end of this simple text, I hope you have planted a seed of good, a desert for the better. My work has exactly this objective, knowledge, detachment, emotional growth for a happier, fuller, freer life.

    I carry out this work in individual consultations through wonderful tools, such as Family or Organizational Systemic Constellation, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming, EFT among others. Or through Family and Organizational Systemic Constellation groups.

    Schedule a free evaluation by phone or Skype to get to know each other, ask questions and define the best path for you.

    Big kiss in the heart!

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