Depression is everyone's business

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What is most uncomfortable? Count and wait for 40 seconds to continue reading or know that every 40 seconds there is a suicide in the world?

As Hannah Arendt quotes: “All pain can be borne if a story can be told about it”. I invite everyone to reflect, already sung by Renato Russo: How many stories were left unsaid, because screams of pain were suffocated? Fears that were born of tiredness and loneliness?

Depression is everyone's business

The world we inhabit is the totality of the stories of all people, of all beliefs, cultures and generations – including the untold memories. And each one of us collaborates (good or bad) for the world to be perceived as it is today.

So we need to talk tirelessly about depression and how much it affects everyone. Every life is worth living and every story is worth telling. I think it is our moral duty to welcome one another.

I feel responsible for the world I live in, because I am part of the great web of life. I just can't sit idly by while we listen to rising statistics about depression.

If we adults are experiencing constant internal conflicts, trapped in our emotional dramas, imagine our young people without experience and without a safe haven to seek refuge.

If I'm not happy, what's wrong? It is often too painful to look at this – to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts, we need heart opening and acceptance that we cannot do this alone. We need help and more than that we need to offer help.

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The wounds we carry are deep, and our expectations are high – and if they are not fulfilled, the feelings accumulate. Buildup is harmful to physical, mental and emotional health.

Depression is a subtle imbalance that can manifest itself silently and that gradually deflates, affecting the individual's vital feelings. A subtle but aggressive wound. That consumes what cannot be described, only to feel how painful it is. The pain of ceasing to exist for you and the world.

Viktor Frankl was a psychiatrist and concentration camp survivor at Auschwitz. Founder of the school of logotherapy and author of many books, translated to more than 30 countries. When asked about the success of his book “The Search for Meaning”, Frankl tells us: “First, I see in the best-selling status of my book not so much an achievement and accomplishment on my part but an expression of the misery in our world. times: if hundreds of thousands of people are looking for a book whose title promises to tackle the problem of the meaning of life, it must be a question that is consuming them from within”.

We find the meaning of living in various activities, occasions, feelings and looks. He walks with happiness - that connected with the state of mind; feel in harmony with oneself, with the environment, with nature and with God.

Solidarity is important when we talk about meaning to live. She is a longtime friend of happiness and the meaning of life.

Finding happiness and meaning in life is considered “seeking”, I believe that solidarity is innate for all of us. But we need to cultivate it by example for it to fully develop. I also consider it an indispensable skill for character improvement, which is why it is so important to teach it to the youngest.

Depression is everyone's business

Solidarity actions help in understanding that it is part of growing up, feeling pain, failure, sadness... and overcoming it all. We were created to be creators and protagonists. Protagonists of our life, of our society and facilitators in the formation of the protagonist role of young people.

We all want to feel that we are important to someone. Let's look at who asks for help. Even if that someone doesn't say it, let's be patient and receptive to realize what's hidden behind a smile.

Help. Hear a story that asks to be heard. Worth a life.

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