Benzedeiras: who are the women who heal our body and spirit?

For centuries it has been common for people to meet a healer and resort to her when one does not stop yawning (“opening the mouth”), which is believed to be brokenness or the evil eye. In more remote places, where the availability of doctors and hospitals is scarcer, she has the role of helping in the cure of many ills and some provide births.

Currently, it is not very common to find this woman in the urban area who, through prayer and blessing, is able to heal. But why does she have this power? How it all began? Read on and discover the answer to these questions and more!

Benzedeiras or rezadeiras are women required to ward off evil, resolve family disharmony, eliminate negative energy from an environment, brokenness, evil eye (fat eye), fever, sadness, pain in general and other ills, promoting healing. They also undo spells and some are called to give birth.

All healers believe they have a mission to accomplish on Earth. They received the teachings of the activity orally, from their ancestors, being responsible for passing them on in the same way.

They make use of prayer and include in the blessing a bouquet or branches of herbs, according to the objective to be achieved or the problem to be solved. They usually know plants very well, they are in full harmony with nature and many consider them to be the true witches of real life.

Benzedeiras: who are the women who heal our body and spirit?
Anirut Rassameesritrakool / 123RF

The blessing is done free of charge, although people contribute something. It is a spiritual work that walks through generations, as the healer of today was taught by her mother, grandmother or someone before her and later will do the same.

In Spain, healers have been present since the time of colonization, when there was no health care or it was deficient. The healers in the country have a varied religious background, mainly in the urban area, where you can find followers of Kardecism, Umbanda and Catholicism, the latter predominating in the rural area. All, however, are based on humility, justice, solidarity and a strong connection with the divine.

The healing that healers promote is the result of a lot of faith, prayer, the desire to do good and a spiritual strength over those who need it. For the act of blessing it is important that the person to be blessed desires the blessing, but he does not need to have the same religion as the faith healer.

How does the blessing work?

Blessing is the act of blessing or blessing someone or something. It is when experiences of illness, pain or suffering are removed and given way to experiences of spiritual peace.

There are several ways to make a blessing. Some healers use a third, a branch of a certain herb, a branch of rue, cloth that they sew during prayer and other means or simply the imposition of hands. The most important thing is that they always apply the resource used to support prayer or prayer on the part of the body or on it, with simple gestures.

It is normally blessed one person at a time, although the blessing can be collective. Any living being can receive it, as well as places and objects, when the objective is to bless and protect from negative energies, for example.

Benzedeiras: who are the women who heal our body and spirit?
Chaiyon Srichiangha / 123RF

The blessing session is quick, can last up to thirty minutes and can be done remotely. In the blessing, the thought, the words that mobilize the faith, the body and the universal spiritual energy become a unity. Everything merges into what it essentially is – ONE.

In this way, it makes perfect sense to use the Christian rosary together with herbs such as basil, rosemary, lavender and mint, in addition to pipes, candles, incense, images of Catholic saints, deities of other religions, orishas of African matrix religions and others.

The ritual adopted by faith healers depends on what each person needs and the means and prayers they develop throughout their lives. When the blessing ends, if any herb was used, it can be incinerated or discarded on earth or in running water to disperse the unwanted energy.

The healers today

Starting from the idea that prayer or prayer and blessing mobilize the energy of the universe and everything comes together in a single element, the blessing can be done at a distance and can make use of technology. Some healers today maintain the traditions received from ancestors, but also assimilated the modernity, dynamics and ease of technology.

Every healer has the characteristic of being intuitive and of having the intention of caring for and healing the other. Believes that blessing is a loving donation, of wishing well to the other. Prayer is a dialogue that is established with the Superior Spirit and each one develops her own way.

Benzedeiras: who are the women who heal our body and spirit?
Jinnaritt Thongruay / 123RF

Technology has become a great ally of modern healers who know how to use it and reduce distances and facilitate contacts with quick access. Currently, when you want to use a faith healer and you don't know one in the community, you can Google an indication, at the desired location or nearby.

Despite the facility of the resource, the traditions of learning the blessing are preserved and the transmission is made between people with affinity and for those who have this gift, perceived in childhood or when one is able to understand the energetic influence with which the future healer will handle. The connection that faith healers have with the divine is perfected throughout their lives. They read the Bible, study plants, know other ways to connect to the forces of the universe.

Why do faith healers heal the body and spirit?

The faith healers and the act of blessing itself are not a new subject. In Europe, Africa, among indigenous peoples and in oriental spiritual rituals, it is present, albeit with other denominations.

There is a use and direction of universal energies, which, through the faith of the one who blesses the one who is blessed, are capable of promoting the healing of the body and the spirit. Religiosity is not necessary, although it is present in faith healers, but believing in this connection and in this powerful “channeling” guarantees better results, as if everything “conspired” in favor.

There is real recognition of the faith healer's role in this process. As well as other unconventional resources aimed at health, such as art therapy, reflex therapy, reiki, thermalism and others, the blessing supports the healing process. However, it should not be a substitute for conventional treatment, especially in the case of chronic diseases, no matter how much you trust this instrument.

Finally, the practice of seeking a path to healing and well-being in faith healers is healthy when associated with conventional treatments. The power of faith is undeniable in the therapeutic processes of restoring and maintaining health.

Benzedeiras: who are the women who heal our body and spirit?
Jinnaritt Thongruay / 123RF

The healers have ancestral knowledge about natural medicinal uses contained in plants, but mainly they know how to mobilize faith in the blessed to restore motivation, fight diseases and joy of living.

With the update that modern dynamics allow, faith healers are not limited only to what the oral tradition of mothers and grandmothers left as a legacy in the exercise of this help to others. They advance by incorporating the knowledge of other techniques that act in a similar way and make use of technological resources that make everyone's life easier.

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As a reflection, think about faith healers as women who access the Sacred Feminine and rescue in ancestry the connection with nature and with the superior essence and therefore make use of a power capable of healing through faith.

It is not magic, sorcery or any other term with a pejorative connotation that is used, although there is no demerit in these acts. It is believing that there is a natural permission to use vital energy for those who want to consciously use it for their own benefit and that of others. It is an example of love for life and brotherly.

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