December, times of reflection

    We started the last month of the year. And in this last month, I invite you to reflect on the year. What did you learn? What did you need to let go of? What needed to be re-signified? What moment marked positively this year? And what moment caused you pain?

    In these last 30 days of this year, may we look with love at all situations. Reflection is necessary so that we can better understand the cycles of life. It is important to look back and feel gratitude for the experiences lived and lessons learned.

    December, times of reflection

    What situations, people and behaviors do you need to let go of this year so that you can live better? What do you need to do to live in a more balanced and harmonious way?

    For rebirth, death is necessary. What do you need to let die in you, so that you can be reborn in your best version? What do you need to plant today, to reap the fruits in the future?

    What do you need to do now, in December, to make your January that much better?

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    Reflect, are you the same person at the beginning of the year? No?! So this year was really worth it!

    That at the end of the year, you can reframe the moments of suffering and focus on the evolution you have achieved during these 12 months.

    Another year is gone, and it's also time to think about the future. How do you want to live your next year? What situations do you want to experience? What is your goal and dream this year? And especially, how to live your goals for this new year and get them off paper?

    December, times of reflection

    A simple tip that I share today is the power of action. Every transformation needs an action. Analyze what you want for the next year, and AHA. Don't wait for better conditions or the perfect moment, it doesn't exist! What exists is today.

    Enjoy your time. Make it worth it. Invest in you. Invest in your dreams and dedicate yourself until they become your reality.

    You are capable of anything, always remember that.

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