Day 7 – Change your life in 21 days: EFT – Needle-free acupuncture. Do it yourself!

HEADS UP: This text is part of a 21 Day Cycle physical, mental and spiritual healing process. For greater understanding, we advise you to start the cycle from the He is Zero. At the end of each article you will find links to all the days.

Hello beloved. As I've been promising for 2 days. Today we are going to talk a little about EFT. The subject is very vast and that is why we will see some basic points in the post, those who identify themselves will have a lot of material on the internet, including the complete book can download below for free.

You know people, it's hard to explain many things in this life, but that doesn't mean they don't exist, right? Witches, for example, often say: "I don't believe in witches, but I respect all of them". With one difference, some healing techniques, despite seeming "magical", have a deep scientific and millennial theoretical basis. What happens is that they have been increasingly studied and improved over the centuries.

Remembering that the great names of our history studied and scientifically proved some methods, even if in older language, due to the time of each one. These are two techniques. EFT – Healing by touch in some points of the body, only now without needles and being able to do the self-application in a simple way. And the FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS: The healing of the soul, of what is hidden or that we do not perceive, but that harms us today. From this recognition and a few healing phrases, a “movement” begins in the entire family system of the constellated person, starting to heal also the mind (emotional) and the physical body (diseases). All this happens in a SINGLE session, that's why they say they are "magical" methods. Today we are going to talk a little about EFT and tomorrow about Family Constellations.


First, I have something important to say:

I will explain a little better how the posting system will be from tomorrow, detailing this call to the side. Well folks, a lot of people this week have been asking me to post several days at once, so they can make a note of each day's tasks in their calendars, to organize and complete them.

Day 7 – Change your life in 21 days: EFT – Needle-free acupuncture. Do it yourself! / Pexels

In this way, starting tomorrow, I will post a more complete text with videos, photos and indications that will serve for the study of the whole week. The format of the TASKS OF THE DAY, THE DOCTOR SAID AND MY DIARY will also change starting tomorrow, ok?

I'll do it in a simpler way, so that you can actually schedule the whole week, even because up until now we've gotten used to everyday tasks, so it's unnecessary to repeat them. And my diary, will become weekly in the post. However, I will make important comments every day in the “comment” field at the bottom of the page. So whoever wants to can follow my diary every day on the same page, starting tomorrow. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, it will be for the 2nd full week. Let's go!

The Basics of EFT

All the articles that talk about the EFT Technique or the therapists who work with it usually say: “EFT is not discussed! You have to try and prove it.” Strong this statement don't you think? Strange that so many celebrities, therapists, doctors and PHDs would say it this way if it wasn't possible, do you agree?

Day 7 – Change your life in 21 days: EFT – Needle-free acupuncture. Do it yourself!
Giulia Bertelli / Unsplash

Of course, there are rules and variations depending on each case, but the technique can cure practically anything. Because of this, I will post only the basics for you and those who identify with the technique, keep searching on the internet.

I want to remind you about my self-healing, in 2009, all the techniques I'm passing on to you in this cycle, were the ones I did at the time, so I'm living proof that they really work, of course to a greater or lesser extent, because it depends of the paradigms and of the faith of each one. When we deal with energies and quantum we enter the phenomenological area, that is, where everything, even if proven, is a phenomenon. Experiences happen if there is belief in the method, will and effort in healing or self-healing, that is, “Faith in yourself”, remember?

But what is this EFT thing?

EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques, in Portuguese, Emotional Freedom Technique it is considered the emotional version of acupuncture, without the use of needles. It is a therapeutic aid tool belonging to Energy Psychology whose basic principle is the expression “The cause of all negative emotion is an interruption in the energy flow of the body”.

Day 7 – Change your life in 21 days: EFT – Needle-free acupuncture. Do it yourself!
microgen / 123RF

The technique works the emotional factor behind the problem, through the unblocking of the meridians (energy channels), during the person's connection with their emotional or physical problem.

The energy channel runs through our entire body in an uninterrupted flow. However, we can have emotional blocks caused by past events, negative emotions, among others. Unblocking, then, occurs with gentle touches of the fingertips on certain points of the meridians that will balance the energy flow, bringing a sense of relief and, often, eliminating physical and psychic symptoms.

It is a very effective, quick and simple technique that even allows self-application. However, working with a therapist allows for a wider range of technique and faster results.

The therapist facilitates the identification of the individual's internal issues, assists in the understanding and acceptance of feelings, allows building from them and thus integrating them, in order to reestablish emotional balance.

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Anyone who doesn't try and doesn't know EFT, seeing this application may think that the therapist and patient are crazy! In fact, my kids think that sometimes. Some patients are resistant until they understand the whole history and background of this technique. Imagine: touching some points of the body with your fingers? Hit the karate point? Crazy thing! (Read in my diary, just below, what happened to me today, lol).

Well, that's it, and it really works. These points that we hit have been studied for millions of years by Chinese Medicine. They are the same points as acupuncture, only without needles and can be self-applied.

“Everything is energy and that's all there is. Tune in to the reality you desire and inevitably that is the reality you will have. It can't be different. That's not philosophy, it's physics." — Albert Einstein

Many have come to me asking for some specific technique such as EFT, Constellations, Shamanic Reiki, Chromopuncture (another application to the points, also without needles - I touch the points with a crystal stick that emits the necessary lights according to the patient's problem). But, for those who suggest EFT and are resistant, I usually say: Why not try it if it is possible in 10 minutes to assess whether there has been an improvement or not? It will not hurt. It has no contraindication. The most that can happen is that you don't feel any difference (which is difficult to happen, but it is possible, mainly according to the resistance and paradigms of each one).

We are going to show you how you can do EFT yourself, but if a lot of emotions arise, the best thing to do is seek help from an EFT therapist, who will be able to manage your feelings in a calm and more focused way, relieving your tensions and enabling a better life. nicer to you.

My patients have a lot of results in the application of what I "nicknamed" EFT-PONO. Well, and that, what is it? It is the use of the EFT technique in conjunction with the healing phrases of Ho'oponopono and still, many times, I increase the flow of energy with the laying on of hands (Pranic Healing).

However, as I do with all my patients, the intention here is also to liberate, to teach you the techniques so that you can continue, because, as much as I help with a treatment (And live from it too), life is dynamic and other problems will arise. . Think of the usefulness of being able to help yourself with a sudden pain or emotion? Let's get to know the points:

How to start using EFT?

Day 7 – Change your life in 21 days: EFT – Needle-free acupuncture. Do it yourself!
Juan Pablo Serrano Ar / Pexels

The method combines talking and thinking of emotional issues or even physical pain with light tapping on the meridian points, unlocking them and eliminating physical and psychic discomfort. How to do it and the phrase to use are explained in the video above and tomorrow we will delve deeper. Below are the points to be used.

Various treatment options

EFT is a very versatile technique, so therapists can offer a variety of consultation options for the patient:

  • EFT and you: Consultation service
  • EFT online: Support via Skype or even by phone
  • EFT no lar: Care in the comfort of your home (some therapists do this)
  • EFT-SET: Two techniques that complement each other and have shown more significant results;

ETFs online

With the advent of technology, especially communication tools, service via the internet or telephone contact has become possible. In Spain, this modality is growing, while abroad, the resource is in high demand.

For service via the Internet, we usually use Skype, you just have access to Broadband, Microphone and Webcam (optional) and, in the case of the telephone, the headset or speakerphone help in the comfort of the session.

Whenever you go to a therapist, try to be familiar with the technique. For those who like to delve deeper, below we have the link to download the manual for free. Don't worry, the process is simple and self-applicable, the distance will not interfere with the results. The therapist is just a facilitator who will help you find ways. It is also very important that you are in a private place, without interference or distractions, as the procedure requires concentration.

The benefits of online therapy

Day 7 – Change your life in 21 days: EFT – Needle-free acupuncture. Do it yourself!
cottonbro / Pexels
  • No need to travel to the office;
  • Avoid interruptions of treatment in case of travel;
  • Allows appointments at extraordinary times;
  • Shy people communicate their thoughts more easily;
  • People who live in hard-to-reach places can go to therapy, with the help of videos that guide how to do EFT for depression or to succeed. Anyway, there's a lot of material.

Below I've put quick videos for specific issues. On the internet, you can look for videos that guide how to do EFT for depression, for success, for body pain. Anyway, there's a lot of material. Note that each therapist varies the dots or placement of sentences. This doesn't really matter, as a professional therapist knows the most needed points for a given problem. Therefore, after the videos, we recommend that you download the book/manual for free if you want to understand the process more. But it's not necessary, okay?

  • More auto basic apps
  • For slimming
  • for vices

To delve deeper, we recommend downloading the free EFT book/manual in Portuguese:

7th day tasks:

Today, just for Today I promise to fulfill all the tasks of this day:

1st STEP

Write at the bottom of this page in the “comments” field, how you felt after EFT. And don't forget to read some chapters of the book you downloaded from Louise Hay.

2st STEP

Beta Level Mental Reprogramming: Today, as Beta Level Mental Reprogramming, practice the EFT Technique. Do not forget that before starting you should think about the problem you want to work on and replace the word “problem” in the sentences with your problem itself, for example: “Despite being depressed, or with leg pain, or fat, or tired , or angry with someone, I love and accept myself deeply and completely.” Remember to give the intensity rating (from 0 to 10) before starting, and at the end give the new rating. See if it has improved enough or if it needs another round.

3st STEP

Alpha Level Mental Reprogramming: Today is our last day of doing just Ho'oponopono. It should be done by the end of the cycle, but tomorrow I'll post some more meditations for you to use during the next week. This will increase your insights. Trust! Everything only works if you have faith in yourself. That is, in addition to all the study and scientific proof of these techniques, they only work if you believe in it. This also happens with drugs or placebos.

Attention to Raquel Koury's medical shift and diary at the end of every page of the cycle:

The doctor ordered:

1) Drink at least 2 liters of water. (I'M ALREADY TAKING 3 LITERS);
2) Make your walk at least 30 minutes. (I AM WALKING 40 MIN);
3) Perfect your diet, whether for physical improvement or weight loss;
4) Do not drink alcoholic beverages during the cycle;
5) To smokers: Have you made your decision, but is it difficult? See a doctor today and ask for a prescription for the withdrawal medication. Take advantage of the EFT techniques you learned above and let's go!

My diary:

Hello darlings.

Today some more gave me for crazy. I took advantage of my 40 minutes of walking to do EFT. Of course I was super discreet. The karate stitch hardly anyone noticed, on the face it disguised it well, but on the top of the head, on the chest and under the armpit, it really looked like I was a monkey. I saw several pointing at me. As I don't care what others think of me, but what I am, what I'm doing and my life's purposes, I didn't care, except for the handsome young man. We were on the walking trail, I was walking one way and the other, he was running towards me, a super hot man, 1,90 m, muscular and all. As he passed me, I did the karate stitch and, as he approached, I did it even more discreetly. From a distance I already noticed that he was staring at me, when we crossed paths, I looked away, but I noticed him staring at me and saying out loud: “That's right, love yourself and accept yourself deeply and completely”. Guys, I didn't know whether to stop the boy and talk or to bury my head in a hole. But then I was happy, his words weren't meant to make fun of him, but because he certainly practices EFT too. Moral of the story, there are still people on the streets as “crazy” as I am, that is, who study techniques and seek to improve their body, mind and soul. While old people were probably judging me, a very, very handsome young man knew the technique and recognized what I was doing.

Due to the insight I had yesterday regarding my “black dog”. The issue of forgiveness, among others, today in a certain situation, I went to caress him with docile words of forgiveness (I forgave and said that I was forgiving myself too), but I trusted too much. The cycle is not over yet, and I confidently took a nice bite from “my black dog”. But no problem, today I reschedule again and we go ahead with faith, because the changes in my life are already happening and all for the good, because I have been asking for the best to happen, so I surrender to divinity and trust!

Ah, remember that yesterday I wrote that I would clean a shelf that my son always asked for and of course, also a mental cleaning? Well, the bookcase kind of fell apart on top of me. I have some bruises, but I managed, I took everything apart and then my mother and the kids helped to fix it. See the before and after. Kisses on the soul and CDS!

Raquel Koury

“Have you read this text and felt a little lost? It is part of a 21 day Healing process. Always start on day ZERO, and also indicate to anyone who needs it, by clicking on the squares below!”

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