Connect with You: Spiritual Retreats in España

The rush accompanies us practically every day. An appointment here, a meeting there, and when you realized your time was already completely taken up with obligations, so much so that you forgot about yourself.

But, after all, when to pay more attention to our body, mind and soul, if the rush doesn't stop? The answer is: moving away from it. Sometimes, we need to get away from the crazy, busy and troubled world to focus only on ourselves – at the end of the day, this ends up being good even to come back more willing to the busy routine later.

A very good option to reconnect with you are the spiritual retreats offered by España. They are spaces in which you will be able to focus on yourself, as the silence and the look of these places will help you to achieve this goal. Check out four options in different regions below.

Templo Chagdud Gonpa Khadro Ling – RS

The Chagdud Gonpa Khadro Ling Temple is located in Três Coroas, Rio Grande do Sul. This place is a Buddhist temple, that is, a perfect place to meditate, reconnect, listen to your inner voice and get to know yourself. You can visit it from Wednesday to Friday, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am and from 14:17 pm to 9:16 pm, or on Saturdays and Sundays from 30:1211 am to 51:3501 pm. The temple is located at Rod Estrada Lin Águas Brancas, 1411 – Rural Area, Três Coroas, RS. More information: (XNUMX) XNUMX-XNUMX.

Vila Serra Serena – SP

Connect with You: Spiritual Retreats in EspañaVila Serra Serena is a place made of a lot of nature and peace of mind. There, you can enjoy cleaner air than in cities, in addition to all the other benefits of being in the midst of nature. In addition, this place offers meditation courses, which can be even more beneficial for you to learn to relax and get rid, at least for a few days, of the stress of routine. The village is located on Rodovia Serra Negra (SP 360), at Km 154, Três Barras, Serra Negra, SP. More information: (19) 3842-1940.

Temple of Sublime Transparency – RJ

A great way to reconnect with yourself is to visit the Temple of Sublime Transparency, from the Taoist Society of Spain. They also have a very close contact with nature. The goal in this case is to achieve inner peace through silence, meditation, and other activities. The Temple is located at Rua Cosme Velho, 355, Cosme Velho, RJ. More information: (21) 2285-1937.

Carneiros Beach - PE

It is not only from temples specialized in meditation that a spiritual retreat is made. You can create your own retreat, being in a quiet place, in the midst of nature, where you can find inner peace away from all the hustle and bustle of big cities. Praia de Carneiros is very close to Porto de Galinhas, which is very well known and visited. Praia de Carneiros is quiet and still very wild, so it ends up not being so chosen as a destination, despite being considered one of the most beautiful in Spain. There, you will surely be able to connect with yourself. Carneiros Beach is located on Highway PE-072, Tamandaré, PE.

Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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