A Toast to the New Year: Gifts to My Happiness

A Toast to the New Year: Gifts to My Happiness

Throughout 2015, through Art Therapy and the momentary need of each participant, numerous proposals were explored and developed for Self-knowledge, resignification of stress, sadness, rescue of feelings of balance, love, joy and inner renewal.

In this way, it manages to enrich each person's self-esteem, peace, concentration and health improvement, resulting in better experiences and achievements with their family, at work, among others.

To end the Year 2015 and the opening of a new cycle, planning for the New Year, we carried out an Art Therapy activity, with the aim of each participant exploring their desires and achievements that they want to achieve in 2016.

Thus, the Art Therapist gave each one a gift, as a celebration of the New Year.

At the same moment, when each participant was curious to know what their gift was, they were confused when they noticed that there was nothing inside their gift box.

At that moment, the Art Therapist explained that the gift that each one will receive will be made by themselves, through the collage of figures, words and expressions that translate their dreams and wishes to the Year 2016, representing on the inside of their Box , which is up to you to do, to be happy and outside, which is up to other people to do, your loved ones and friends to be happy.

Then, each person received several magazines, scissors, glue, markers and decorative materials.

During the production of their works, they leafed through several magazine pages and detailed different resources in their artistic expressions.

According to (A), she placed images and representations inside her rectangular box in search of self-nutrition, greater concentration, faith and recreation with her family. From the outside, she brought figures with the greater objective of receiving the reciprocity of their actions, sentimental attention, changes and finding new opportunities for affection, joy and happiness.

On the other hand, (B), placed inside his box, figures, intentions to promote union and family strengthening, combined with freedom, walks and recognition of the values ​​of each one. On the outside of the box, she expects to receive feelings of affection, affection and reciprocal love from her family and friends.

With the end, each described good feelings and optimistic expectations for 2016, as a reflection of their greater personal and family commitment and dedication.

To conclude this meeting, we read the text:

the magic moment

… You have to take risks.

We only understand the miracle of life

when we let the unexpected happen,

Every day β€œGod” gives us along with the sun,

a moment when it is possible to change everything that makes us unhappy. 

But only those who pay attention to their day,

discover the magic moment.

Helping us change,

to go in search of our dreams.

And, in the future, we can look back with pride and faith […] – Paulo Coelho

As the end of this meeting and brilliant words, meanings, we deeply wish that the "Divine Light" radiates within each one of us, to new paths and wonderful encounters of Love, Union and Success in our actions of Happiness!!

Happy 2016 dear internet users!!

Bibliographic reference:

CAMPORA. BB 170techniquesarteterapeuticas: expressive modalities for different areas. 2nd ed. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Wak, 2014.

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