Comfort zone is lack of courage?

    Being comfortable is living with something where everything is convenient, pleasant and cozy. It's familiar, known and effortless to change, everything is in its place. It is knowing how to recognize the pleasure of returning to where we should never have left. But we are not here to “warm up the place”, we are here to move and move the world. 

    Comfort zone is not when things are, or at least seem to be, well. Comfort zone is the cowardice of remaining adjusted to an uncomfortable, inappropriate and sterile situation. When you pace yourself for a long time, that's a clear sign that you're not questioning yourself enough. Nor have we reached the condition of allowing ourselves a sincere self-analysis. Things get so tangled up that, suddenly, the meaning of life itself seems to have vanished.

    The first sign that we are living in a comfort zone situation is when we start to complain about it. This nonconformity does not simply translate ingratitude, but a feeling of maladjustment, conveying the notion that everything seems to lose its meaning. Hence, we begin to feel our lives upside down. It's like living an internal chaos, a real hell!

    If we become aware that we are really against our real goals and internal values, the first step is taken to get out of this extremely uncomfortable zone, which masks a welcoming familiarity. The courage to face the unknown and persevere in our intentions, despite our fears, is the fuel that will sustain us in a beneficial pursuit that will turn into the discovery of our talents buried in a nebulous past. Few things are as familiar and familiar to us as our past, and yet, we cling to its dark side to the stuff we don't swallow or expel and insist on permeating, with our permission, the present and the future.

    To have courage, it is necessary, in front of the mirror, to face yourself, eye to eye, combined with a sincere sincere internal dialogue. The will is the most powerful force that exists and from it comes courage, which takes us out of any difficult situation, even if it is only in our imagination. Well, that's where it all starts! From this alchemy of forces the result is a turnaround, an endless beginning to the possibilities that present themselves and that in fact were always there around us, but we were chattering too much, staring so intently at a problem that we didn't even allow ourselves to find the solutions.

    Comfort zone is lack of courage?

    Indeed, there is an unexplored universe within each of us. Courage allows us to get out of wherever we want, whether it's a painful situation, changing the way we see things or an unworthy condition, it doesn't matter. Courage is not measured, disputed or compared, it is an internal and personal peculiarity. Each of us knows how to find ours, and if you don't, all it takes is a little daring to find it.

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