It all starts in the mind

    Our mind is capable of imagining, thinking, dreaming and realizing. And the practice of Buddhism enables us to put into action those dreams and realizations that start in the mind. We usually learn mainly in the doctrines of western origin that by praying to some god or deity, we will have good luck and enjoy joy and accomplishments because of the will of that god or deity.

    The difference in Buddhism is that everything starts with you. You are the agent who has unlimited strength and good fortune in your life, and by practicing Buddhism it is possible to bring that strength and energy to light, starting with the mind.

    An important factor that assists the mind and later your self is determination in the mind.

    Dr. Ikeda, philosopher, Buddhist and pacifist points out on this issue: β€œWhen your determination changes, everything begins to change in the direction of your desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, your whole being immediately prepares for success.”

    On the other hand, if you think: this will never happen, at that moment your whole being gives up and stops fighting. And so everything had moved towards defeat.

    Pay attention to the subtlety of the human mind. The way you program your mind, the attitude you have, directly influences your life and your environment.

    The Buddhist principle which emphasizes that in a single moment of life contains three thousand worlds and elucidates the true aspect of the power of life. Through firm resolve, we can transform our lives, those around us, and the place we live. We all have this secret weapon. There is no greater treasure.

    We often pray and give up when things don't go our way. But with what attitude are we practicing?

    It all starts in the mindWe must fight with determination for our dreams. Never do anything by halves. If in your heart you believe that you won't make it, then you won't be able to.

    Our attitude towards life is very important. The solution to everything is prayer, and if you don't believe it, pray until you believe it. Recite to have the courage to act. Everything you need is within you. So pray to extract all your inner strength.

    Don't let yourself be weakened, fight until you make it. Even if you fall five times, get up six. Never give up fighting for your goals. We can change anything, we can change our today and our tomorrow. We must be courageous, we must challenge what we think is not possible to achieve. If we never challenge the impossible, we will never know the true power of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo [origin prayer of Nichiren Buddhism].

    Our dreams can only be realized by ourselves. Reciting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the key to everything. Prayer balances our daily lives and allows us to be victorious in everything we do.

    It all starts with our mind. As mentioned, we need to program our mind for victory always, and if you still don't believe it, it's important to pray and act until you believe that your happiness will be achieved.

    The mind must be our greatest ally and not our enemy in the pursuit of our dreams and the fulfillment of our desires, so pray, fight and take action. In the end, victory is certain.

    • Written by Bruno Melo of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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