Comfort zone

    Comfort zone

    It is very important to know your comfort zone and to know that there is a place where you feel comfortable, to know that there is something to fall back on. But why do we limit ourselves to the same old habits? Why do we sabotage ourselves and prevent ourselves from even being happy if it means getting out of that "safe place"?

    Allow yourself to explore what the world has to offer! Once you realize that embracing discomfort increases your understanding of happiness, you will discover that there are many amazing journeys to take.

    Our mission…

    Here is the place for those who seek self-knowledge as the main tool for personal and spiritual development. This will reflect on your relationships with you and, consequently, with the world around you.

    For Instituto Metafísico, helping people to gain skills and knowledge is not just a commitment, but a passion. With a wide variety of courses and services, we make self-knowledge easy, accessible and fun.

    “We want a better world, improving your WORLD, but for that we just need you to want the same too.”

    Kisses and until next time!

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