Chromotherapy: Use Colors to Heal Yourself

If in the old days black and white movies were the norm, nowadays most people don't have much patience for them. This is because technology has shown us that it is possible to translate the colors we see into media that will last forever. And who doesn't prefer to see a colorful world?

Colors are important to us not only because they are beautiful and make everything more special, but also because they emanate energies. It is for this reason that in some environments we can feel calmer or more stressed, depending on the tone of the wall paint in each of them.

Also, the colors we use in our clothes help us build our personal image. They are the ones that convey our mood, what we want to attract for the new year or how much we want to stand out in an important event.

In this way, we can interpret that colors are powerful and change our state of mind according to the way they are used. With that in mind, chromotherapy was developed. Next, delve deeper into what it's all about and how it can help you on a daily basis!

What is chromotherapy?

The word chromotherapy comes from the Greek language and means treatment with colors. In Egypt, China, India and Greece, civilizations believed that each color had a distinct healing power that could be harnessed to improve one's quality of life.

Nowadays, chromotherapy has the same meaning and use, but with a little more technology. This therapy considers that colors emit energy waves that promote healing of the body and mind and can be applied from colored lamps, solarized water, clothes and even food.

In this sense, chromotherapy is a complementary treatment for a series of problems that can affect a person, both in physical and mental health. Colors can lift the mood of those suffering from depression, for example, while at the same time reassuring those suffering from anxiety.

Chromotherapy: Use Colors to Heal Yourself
Dario Valerani / 123rf

It is also possible to relieve pain in the body caused by numerous factors such as old age, accidents and injuries. Fever, insomnia and diabetes are problems that can be alleviated with chromotherapy in partnership with another form of treatment, with medical advice.

How does chromotherapy work?

Chromotherapy is applied to a person using equipment that emits lights of different colors. Then a ray is directed to the part of the body that needs care. However, it is also possible to just change the lighting of an environment, in the case of a less specific treatment. And why does this work?

According to psychotherapist Ailla Pacheco, colored light bulbs have an influence on a person's body and mind:

β€œEach color has a vibration or frequency along the magnetic spectrum of light and naturally each one develops a type of energy and change in our physiological, emotional or energetic field.”

That is, the vibration that a color of light emits is capable of changing the vibrations that we emit. And each coloring works more efficiently in specific segments of our bodies, being essential to know each one of them in depth.

In addition, each color of chromotherapy is associated with a chakra in the body, which are our energy centers. When energy is accumulated in one of them, we can develop physical and mental problems, which are alleviated with the corresponding color vibrations.

benefits of chromotherapy

Among the benefits of chromotherapy, it is possible to list the positive impact of this therapy on a person's body and mind. Check out!

  • Relief from body pain;
  • Alleviation of inflammatory processes;
  • Alleviation of sleep disorders;
  • Stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • Reduction of physical fatigue;
  • Feeling of well-being;
  • Relief from stress and tension;
  • Alleviation of symptoms of mental disorders;
  • Improved brain function;
  • Reduction of migraine attacks.

Meanings of colors in chromotherapy

Now that you know a little more about the universe of chromotherapy, it's time to learn more about the meaning of each of the colors, according to this theory. Check out!

1) Yellow

The main functions of the color yellow in chromotherapy is the stimulation and activation of the body and mind. Therefore, it can be used to tone muscles, activate the digestive system and purify the body. In addition, it is indicated in cases of depression and lack of motivation.

2) Blue

The blue color is responsible for improving a person's breathing. With this, it is indicated to develop vitality and intuition, to relieve respiratory problems and to bring tranquility. In meditation, color is used to activate the pineal gland.

3) Green

Chromotherapy: Use Colors to Heal Yourself
Rowan Hill / Unsplash

To treat flu, colds and infections, the color green is the best choice, according to chromotherapy. Other advantages it provides are the stabilization of chronic and acute dysfunctions and calm in moments of tension or great difficulty.

4) Red

According to chromotherapy, the main function of the color red is to stimulate the body and mind. It is especially indicated for the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which even gives more energy to those who come in contact with it.

5) Purple

The color purple, also known as violet, is one of the most calming colors in chromotherapy. Slowing down metabolism, it promotes muscle relaxation, brings a sense of tranquility and can control anxiety symptoms.

6) Orange

For chromotherapy, the color orange promotes stimulation of the lungs and stomach and is important to combat nausea. It also stimulates pulse rate, thyroid function and healthy bone growth.

7) Pink

The color pink can be used in chromotherapy for many purposes. These include alleviating feelings of anger and abandonment, regulating the heartbeat, stabilizing emotions and stimulating the functioning of the endocrine system.

8) Turquoise

In chromotherapy, the color turquoise is responsible for calming emotions and organizing thoughts. In addition, it is a tone widely used to alleviate inflammation and pain in any part of the body, as long as there is professional monitoring.

You might also like:

  • Discover the meaning of colors according to chromotherapy
  • Study the effect of colors on your unconscious
  • Find out what benefits pink brings to you
  • Be enchanted by the symbolism of the indigo color
  • Understand what chakras are and how they work

How to use chromotherapy to heal?

Chromotherapy is a treatment offered by the Unified Health System (SUS). That way, if it's been recommended to you by a healthcare professional, you can do it for free. In another case, if you just want to absorb the energies of colors for your days, there are a few ways to do that.

The first one is through solarized water. Knowing the properties of each color, choose the one that meets what you need. Then use a clear glass bottle wrapped in cellophane of the desired color or a bottle that is the same shade. Fill it with mineral water and leave it in the sun for about an hour. Thus, you can ingest the energies released by the color!

The second way to enjoy the benefits of chromotherapy is with the use of colored lamps. You can choose the one you like the most and plug it into the socket in the environment where you spend most of your time. Thus, the light will emit the energy waves present in the chosen color.

In short, you can also incorporate chromotherapy into the clothes you wear, so that your days always have the energies you need to feel good and happy. Applying this same concept to the foods you eat, it is possible to create a colorful menu that is very beneficial for your health.

Chromotherapy: Use Colors to Heal Yourself
Francesco Paggiaro / Pexels

From everything that has been presented about chromotherapy, you already have what you need to identify the energies that each color releases. Bet on this form of complementary therapy when you need to improve your mood, when you are having difficulty sleeping or when undergoing treatment for some other type of problem. Take care of yourself!

Medical use of chromotherapy

The medical use of chromotherapy began with the ancient civilizations of the world, although the tools for this were somewhat rudimentary. In Egypt, colors were applied to a person from flower petals and gemstones.

However, as time passed, the techniques improved. This made it easier to target a specific tone of light on a person's body. Since 1960, chromotherapy has been used in maternity hospitals around the world, for example, to control jaundice in a baby with a violet color.

In addition, chromotherapy is part of the integrative therapies offered by the Unified Health System. As a complement to other types of treatment, color therapy is used to treat symptoms of mental disorders, relieve pain resulting from chronic diseases, calm patients with disabilities, among others.

It is important to emphasize that, although chromotherapy is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), it is a complementary therapy. That is, it does not replace other types of medical treatment, just as other medical treatments do not cancel it.

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