7 tips to make clearer and more conscious decisions

Have you ever thought about your life: “Damn, I've only been making bad decisions…”. This happens to a lot of people, but it doesn't mean you're a person incapable of making good decisions! In the rush of life, with little time to reflect, we often end up putting our feet in our hands…

But you want to change that, right? To make good decisions it is necessary to have emotional maturity and be prepared to live a more conscious life about everything. Do you want to take that step towards your self-knowledge? Well then check out 7 tips to make clearer and more conscious decisions!

1 – Stop analyzing only one-off events

Suppose you're completely in love with someone and that person even says they feel the same way, but their attitudes... well, their attitudes show the opposite. There are two ways of thinking about this problem: the first is to think only about her attitudes and keep scrutinizing each one of them; the second is to see the bigger picture, to reflect on whether this person is really being sincere.

7 tips to make clearer and more conscious decisions
Syda Productions / Canva

Most people only think about attitudes, that is, about punctual events, so they get stressed and spend too much time analyzing small situations, when they should see the bigger picture. That is, instead of asking: “What happened here?”, ask: “Why did this happen?”.

When you start to analyze what events mean, not just what those events are, your mind clears and, seeing the whole picture in perspective, you can make more conscious decisions.

2 – Leave the urgency aside

Yes, some problems need to be solved in a hurry, all of a sudden, but it's not always like that... As we are anxious, they teach us from an early age that if there is a problem, it needs to be solved, but how often do you rushed, made a bad decision and up front did you realize that you just had to wait a little to make a better decision?

This happens frequently and is the result of our haste and our urgency. So keep one thing in mind: if an issue isn't urgent and doesn't require an immediate response, wait a while. Focus on other things, put your time on other activities and then, only when necessary, return to the problem.

Acting like this will avoid those decisions made in the heat of the moment, without any need. Establish a “priority list” between the decisions you need to make; if you need to, even write it down, but decide only when necessary.

3 – Know who you are

If you think of someone you know, like a friend, a relative or an affective partner, you can define that person's personality, their main traits and imagine how they would act in a certain situation, can't you?

7 tips to make clearer and more conscious decisions
Syda Productions / Canva

But you have this knowledge about yourself? Often, when we don't really know who we are, we make decisions that get us into trouble and make us go in a direction that doesn't have much to do with what makes our heart beat faster, so knowing yourself is essential.

But remember: we are in a constant process of change throughout life, so getting to know yourself is not something definitive, but a process that is always under construction and that always needs to be updated as life goes on and you mature.

4 – Trust your intuition (but not so much!)

Everything in life is balance, isn't it? So we need to know how to balance our emotions and our logical thoughts, as well as sensations, such as intuition. You must have found yourself thinking something like: "I knew I shouldn't have done this, I should have listened to myself...".

This happens when we have a feeling, but we do the opposite of what that feeling is giving us. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, if there is a sensation, according to psychology, it was born from somewhere, from some feeling, thought, trauma, past experience and so on.

So whenever you have these sensations, listen to them carefully. Never ignore, but also don't do exactly what this intuition is "sending". Instead, rationally analyze where that feeling comes from and why you feel like you shouldn't (or should) do what you're thinking of doing.

5 – Have expectations

All the time, especially in the world of social media, we are bombarded by this idea that we should face life without expectations… but that can be quite dangerous. When we don't know what we want or expect, we may end up accepting anything.

7 tips to make clearer and more conscious decisions
DMEPhotography de Getty Images Pro / Canva

An example: if you are not sure what kind of love relationship and partner you want by your side, you can end up involved with someone who has absolutely nothing to do with you and who can even end up hurting you.

Can expectations be frustrated? Yes, of course, but they help us to have an idea of ​​the results we expect from our actions, so they help us to calculate the risks and, consequently, to make clearer decisions, more in line with the expectations we have.

6 - Rest

What happens to someone who is driving and ends up falling asleep at the wheel? An accident, isn't it? When we're driving, we're making decisions all the time, even if they're “on automatic”: braking or accelerating, giving way, changing lanes, turning signals… they're tiny decisions and sometimes we don't even realize these choices.

And so it is with life. We often don't even realize the small decisions we make, and there's nothing worse than making those small decisions feeling completely exhausted.

So Prioritize your rest. Get enough sleep, take care of your leisure, have hobbies, spend time with loved ones and ask them for advice... tired and running non-stop.

7 – You can get what you want

Some say that the best way to live is to be optimistic, believing that things will always work out in the end. This, however, has a dangerous side: we can ignore the risks and consequences of what we do because we believe that everything will work out in the end…

7 tips to make clearer and more conscious decisions
nicoletaionescu from Getty Images Pro / Canva

Well then, instead of being optimistic or pessimistic, here's some advice on what you should be: hopeful! Whenever you make a decision, trust that it will have the best possible results. Don't believe that everything will obviously work out, so you don't get frustrated, but believe that things can work out, yes.

When you open the doors of your life to hope, you give yourself a vote of confidence, because you come to believe that that decision you made can bring great results in the end!

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These were our tips to help you make clearer and more conscious decisions. Always remember to act calmly, whatever you do. With peace of mind, you can make the best decisions possible and change the course of your life!

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