You are what you believe to be

Have you ever said phrases in your life like “I can’t speak in public”, “I’m too nervous”, “I can never be thin”, “Everything is going wrong in my life”, “I don’t have the capacity to do that”, among many others that represent its complete failure? Well, know that all those phrases you've been pronouncing about yourself out there are true!

Wow, but how so!?

That's right! Henry Ford said a phrase that reinforces this understanding: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, either way, you're right." In other words, you are what you believe you are.

Our brain works based on stimuli and commands, whether external or issued by yourself, so when you send it negative situations through thoughts and words, it will look for negative solutions, because you gave it this focus. So, the more you convey phrases like the ones mentioned at the beginning of the text, the more you will remain inside that situation that you would like to get out of.

Studies show that when we talk about feelings, by frowning, for example, through your nerve endings, you will be sending a message to your brain that you are angry. The same thing happens when you force a smile, the message sent will be that you should really smile (try doing this and notice the sensations). In relation to external stimuli, we may repeat behaviors that we are watching and generating the same feeling in ourselves, which is what happens when you come across someone laughing.

You are what you believe to be
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Understanding this functioning, use it to your advantage, say, think and act in order to focus on positive solutions, understand that you will be helping your brain to understand the paths to be taken. A great opportunity to introduce this habit of positivity into your life is to practice the morning exercise of designing your day through thoughts and words, telling yourself what you want to be and achieve that day.

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This could be the door opener you've been looking for. But understand, don't tell him what you don't want to be anymore, but what you want good for yourself. Change “I can’t stand my job anymore” for “things aren’t the way I would like there, but today I won’t be shaken by it” or “I can’t stand being fat anymore” for “I’m going to be thin” or “I really wanted to that promotion” for “soon, I will be promoted”. That way, your brain will focus on how to solve what you just pointed out to it.

Experience positivity, experience sending messages to your brain through your facial expressions, experience the daily morning exercise of telling you whatever good happens, experience a different you. You may be surprised by the results.

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