Children's Basic Manual - Genital Phase (Text 6/6)

We are ending this series of articles with the Genital Phase, which ranges from approximately 11 to 25 years of age.

The previous texts are in the links below, and it's nice to follow from the beginning because the phases overlap:

Oral Phase Anal Phase Phallic Phase Latency Period

A genital phase is the time of constant Insecurity, when the Puberty, when the boy will have his first ejaculation and the girl will have her first menstruation.

Adolescence is a new concept, which emerged after the 2nd World War, and which begins earlier and earlier, stealing part of the Latency Period, which is so important for the healthy development of the personality.

In adolescence the limbic system (click here to learn more about the Limbic System) it works with full force again, the critical judgment diminishes, and the tantrum 3-year-old child returns to action, only in a well-grown body and with hormones at a thousand! LOL.

Hormones kick in. The mood starts to change fast and they don't understand their feelings themselves.

Dopamine also enters the circuit, which in contact with progesterone and testosterone, makes them more active or depressive.

Testosterone makes boys confused and they may have decreased school performance due to a loss of ability to organize.

in girls the Reproductive Device it is ready for procreation, there is biological and psychological consolidation and the sexual impulses are complete in the genital organ.

It is a phase of great and strong biological, hormonal, psychic and social transformations.

The individual is getting ready to make his choice of Total Object, whether in the Affective or in the Professional area, and as his Ego is adjusting to deal with his sexuality and with his internal censor, he alternates attitudes, sometimes childish, sometimes adult, generating great insecurity.

An important period in which the individual starts to review some values ​​that were passed on to them by their parents and caregivers and that formed their Personality, adding others that make more sense to them, thus determining their Character.

Children's Basic Manual - Genital Phase (Text 6/6)
Kyle Broad/Unsplash

A period of adolescence when many young people allow themselves to rebel to give up values ​​that do not concern them to create their own.

Fixation or regression to this stage generates adults who behave and act like teenagers, who cannot become emotionally or financially independent and tend to have great masturbatory sexual activity.

We take care of an adolescent in the same way that we did with a child in the anal phase, saying no to what is not suitable, with the difference that we will need to be prepared because now the reaction of the limbic system can last a month, and parents have to take care and support, assess self-esteem, be present and be present, avoiding as much as possible the wrong ways of regulating this self-esteem, with alcohol, drugs and other substances.

Finally, I think it was possible to understand the greatness of the responsibility in the care in raising our children, and how our behavior generates consequences in them, which we later criticize and dislike.

Partnership is something that makes all the difference for young people. Being your child's partner means being by his side and letting him see it, even if it's to support him in a No required.

Knowing that someone will put up with their reactions and anxieties, and still continue to love them, is essential for them to feel safe.

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  • Premature: the winners of the first battles in this journey called LIFE!
  • Children's Basic Manual - Anal Phase (Text 3/6)
  • Adolescence: the tastes and unpleasantness of growing up

We need to be partners with our children, leaving some individualistic activities to dedicate ourselves to these beings that depend on our action for their formation.

I hope that this information has been useful and thoughtful to create more free, happy and connected people with the whole.

Thank you so much for the company!


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