Chicory: the floral of detachment

Bach organized the florals into seven groups. CHICORY (Cichorium intybus) belongs to the group of “Controllers” or “Excessive Care for Others”. I chose to start our journey with this floral, which brings up a very current topic that needs to be discussed. Western society suffers too much from attachment to material things; our relationships suffer from attachment to emotions, words, opinions, attachment to people, places, work, etc.

When Chicory is out of balance, it is related to possessive behavior, that kind of love that control and send the account, charges with interest and monetary correction; wants others to always be around, interferes in other people's lives, is centralizing, excessively attached, manipulative and selfish. And suffer because of it.

Chicory: the floral of detachment
Photo of the TwinsFisch now Unsplash

When in balance within our energy field, Chicory develops the Unconditional Love, the one who gives without expecting anything in return – and how difficult it is to exercise this detachment! After treatment with Chicory, the individual starts to interfere less in the lives of those close to them, loves without suffocating, without wanting to control their steps, starting to respect their need for independence. You will find that this behavior actually releases both sides – the manipulated and the manipulator – bringing a sense of peace and relief.

The movement that Chicory works is Soltar, the “Let it Go”.

This “chicorenta” relationship, as we say in the jargon of Bach Flower Remedies, occurs very often in relationships mothers x children, but also in relation to the loved one, friends, teachers, different situations, animals, objects, places… the list is long.

Chicory: the floral of detachment
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Typical phrases of an unresolved Chicory: “Remember everything I went through for you”, “Nobody loves me in this house”, “Is this what I get after everything I've done for you?”*. It is the charge in person, with touches of emotional blackmail.

Dr. Celso and Dra Mara Paroni* give a very interesting insight into a child with symptoms that need treatment with Chicory: those who are very attached to the mother, “demanding” affection and attention at all times, even “choking” her; they don't lend their toys, they don't let go of their pacifiers, their washcloths, or the hem of their mother's skirt. Chicory helps this child to be more independent, and it can also help with weaning when the mother goes back to work, and makes the child relate better with his little friends.

It helps mothers at that stage when their children leave home to study or get married, the famous “empty nest” syndrome, restoring confidence in their love, and the ability to donate without charging in return.

The personal work with Chicory's support gives us tips on how to better deal with expectations - or the lack of them, as it helps us not to depend on the acceptance and affirmation of the other and to be more free.

Chicory can also be very useful when we resist getting rid of certain material goods, such as selling a house, a car, or even that day of cleaning the closet, to more easily donate clothes that you haven't used in years and that you insist on keeping. . This is attachment.

Bach Flowers always work for Good, for Harmony. Nobody changes their essence because of a floral, Free Will is total. They give you the keys, but you only go through the door if you want to.

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Dr. Bach left us a very interesting message to reflect on the positive potential of Chicory:

The moment we have given complete freedom to everyone around us, when we no longer wish to bind and limit, when we no longer expect anything from anyone, when we think only of giving and never taking, then at that moment we will see that we are free from all things. of this world”.

Remember that to better identify the need for a floral and its suitability to the situation experienced, it is always good to exchange an idea with a Floral Therapist. The professional, through a good anamnesis, can help you understand the reasons behind your symptoms and indicate the most appropriate floral.

Wait for more reflections in the next posts, based on the legacy of Bach Flowers.

(*) in PARONI Celso, PARONI Mara – Learn to be happy with Bach Florals, Prol Editora e Gráfica 2003

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