Change the focus: Focus on your desires!

    Change the focus: Focus on your desires!

    Alchemy is the science of contraposition, of the verb and refers to divine chemistry. If there is one way to sum it up, it would be: simplicity. Knowledge is meant to be lived — and it is simple, that's why it's scary, because it's simple to practice and bring wonderful results, and the opposition enters this movement.

    When you change the focus, turning 180 degrees of the situation or the so-called "problem", you will find the solution, because it is always on the opposite side of what you see. If you look at debt, you will increase it, so look 180 degrees at the situation, and that way, you will know how to resolve this financial commitment. Never look directly at the situation. Always look the other way! Change focus!

    Another example: if you look at a person seeing the disease in him, he will only see the disease, but if he looks cured and perfect, as he is, which is the other side of the situation, the person will become healthy, transforming the situation he is in. living.

    Miracles are natural and the great "turns" of life that people experience, that is, they go from nothing to everything, happen because they have changed their focus, transformed habits and customs and, with that, everything is reborn.

    Knowledge does not belong to anyone, for we simply live it. By conquering the right tools to access it, we simply start to live it and it expands more and more in our lives, bringing everything good, beautiful and great naturally.

    When I ask someone, "What's your problem?"

    People explain detail by detail and they even have a certain twinkle in their eyes, they talk about the problem vividly, with force. But if I ask, “What is your desire?”, they don't know how to answer or speak too quickly.

    This shows that the human lives paying attention to problems, talks all the time about these situations that bother him and, therefore, ends up living more and more within his own problems.

    When you start to look at the opposition, the other side of the situation, you start to see the solution of what needs to be solved. Don't spend the day worrying about your so-called "problems". Spend time “pre-occupying” yourself with your desires. Make a wish list, things you really want in your life, and keep thinking about each one of them.

    Allow the Universe to act and solve all situations. When you are thinking about the problem, focused on it, the Universe has no way to act, because it is "moving the situation", sticking your finger, so you are not believing that the Universe can favor you. When you step away from the situation and allow the Universe to act, then everything happens.

    The greatest of actions is inaction. When you don't take conscious action of it, you do everything. Allowing the Universe to act and bring you what you seek. Think about it! Move to conquer your desires, but after that change your focus, look the other way and let the Universe do whatever it takes.

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    It is also very important that you stay away from companies, friendships, family or places that are not favorable, that is, the opposition. If you want to be a prosperous person, hang out with prosperous people. Look for prosperous paths. If you want to learn something, live with people who also want to learn. Anyway, be in the middle of what you are looking for in your life and, by being in the flow of what you are looking for, it ends up happening.

    Keep well this message of mine today: Don't think about problems, think about your desires. What will you do to make your desires manifest? Focus! Somehow it will be manifested, it will happen.

    *Alcides Melhado Filho, alchemist, consultant, world reference in Ho'oponopono, knowledge generator and writer of the books “Arte do Equilíbrio”, “O Ho'oponopono”, “A Chama Verde-Limão”, “7 Lessons to Change your Life” and “The Alchemy of Relationships”. He teaches courses in Alchemy, Pythagorean Numerology and Alchemical Tarot, as well as workshops and lectures. Alchemist videos available on YouTube and Vimeo. Its objective is to promote emotional, physical, mental and spiritual balance. Click here to access instagram

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