
    Is there a more beautiful word than this: love? I do not know. There are so many senses and meanings that you can fill a dictionary.

    Love of God. Mother's love. Father's love. Husband's love. Wife love. Brotherly Love. Uncle's love. Aunt love. Grandma's love. Grandfather love. Son's love. Daughter's love. Love of love. What a delight is love!

    Love that edifies. Love that elevates. Love that builds. Love that transforms. Love that encourages. Love that strengthens. Love that makes you laugh. Love that packs Love is always wanting the good of yourself, the other and God.

    Love for infinity. Love for knowledge. Love for art. Love for culture. Love for dance. Love for education. Love for nature. Love for animals. Love for plants. And, above all, love for people.

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    Love for Mary. Love for Isabel. Love for Raimunda. Love for Jezebel. Love for Fatima. Love for Claudia. Love for Christina. Love for Julia. Love for Edward. Love for Aline. Love for Laura. Love, infinite love.

    Under any condition, love is always salvation. It doesn't matter whether love is present or love absent. Love thought or love imagined. The love felt or the love lived. Real love or illusory love. The important thing is to love.

    Being loved is a condition of being who loves. “Love and do what you want”, said Saint Augustine. Love is no respecter of persons. Who loves is loving in the same intensity. It's just not loving those who don't love.

    The love that welcomes is the sublime love. The love that includes is perfect love. The love that elevates is tender love. The love that justifies is kind love. The love you desire is passionate love. The love that saves is the love of God.

    PaulCalbar de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    Love cannot be indifferent. Love cannot be exclusive. Love cannot be angry. Love cannot be unfair. Love cannot be misadjusted. Love cannot be sick. Love cannot be ugly.

    Beautiful love is the one that goes to fight. Like Martin Luther King's love for racial equality in America. Like Nelson Mandela's love for the unification of South Africa. Like Mahatma Gandhi's love for India's independence.

    Where is true love? Today, the voices of our time, no longer allow anyone to be called love. It seems that the word love has become a commodity. In everything, interest comes first.

    Long live free love. Long live the love donation. Long live charitable love. Long live love affection. Live love tenderly. Live love without ambition. Long live the love of those who love us. Long live the love of our parents.

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    Long live the love of Our Lady for Humanity. Long live the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ for sinners. Long live Dante Alighieri's love for Literature. Long live Leonardo da Vinci's love for the arts. Long live Love! Long live mine and yours!

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