Bupropion: what it is and what it is for

Bupropion: what it is and what it is for

Bupropion hydrochloride, also known as bupropion, is the name of a drug mainly indicated for the treatment of depressive states, such as major depressive disorder.
It is marketed under the name Wellbutrin (brand that holds the patent for the active ingredient), its similar products โ€“ Zetron, Zyban, Noradop, Bup, Bupogran, among others โ€“ and the generic option. It has two versions of doses โ€“ 150 mg and 300 mg โ€“, prescribed according to the need or treatment objective.
In this article, you will get information about bupropion, its uses and indications, as well as its side effects and contraindications. But remember: self-medication is extremely dangerous and this medication can only be used on the advice of your doctor. If you have a health problem, seek professional help first.

What is bupropion used for?

Commercially launched in 1985, bupropion belongs to the class of atypical antidepressants and its primary indication is the treatment of depression and nicotine dependence.

According to scientific studies, bupropion is a first-generation drug that is among the tricyclic antidepressants considered to be quite effective in the treatment of depressive disorder. Except in cases where there are contraindications (which we will talk about later), the benefits may outweigh some risks.

In one of these studies, published in 2018 in the Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Education and the Environment, it was concluded that bupropion, despite the various side effects, proved to be quite effective in the treatment of depression. The study also reinforces the drug's usefulness for the treatment of nicotine dependence, in addition to its off-label use - that is, off the label - to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Other off-label uses of bupropion include: antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction, bipolar disorder, hypersomnia, and obesity treatment. But it should be noted that these uses are consecrated by medicine and can only be indicated by doctors.

After all, does bupropion really make you lose weight?

As discussed above, bupropion has several off-label uses, and one of them has been for the treatment of obesity. In association with naltrexone, a drug originally used to attenuate or block the effects of opioids, bupropion has been indicated in cases of binge eating.

A study published in 2010 in the renowned British medical-scientific journal The Lancet showed the following results: a loss of 6,1 kg among patients who used naltrexone 32 mg + bupropion, and 5 kg among those who used naltrexone 16 mg + bupropion. Thus, it was concluded that the use of this association can be considered an efficient therapeutic option for the treatment of obesity.

In Espaรฑa, this drug combination was approved in 2021, under the trade name Contraveยฎ โ€“ seven years after its approval in the US and Europe โ€“, with commercial launch in the second half of 2022. Together, bupropion hydrochloride and hydrochloride of naltrexone can promote weight loss by acting on the brain, decreasing appetite and increasing the feeling of satiety, causing the intense desire for food to be minimized.

Does Bupropion Treat Anxiety?

As we have seen, with its classic indication and off-label uses, bupropion proves to be a versatile, useful and widely indicated drug, especially in cases of depression and other psychological disorders.

Given its multifunctionality, that doubt may arise: does it also serve to treat anxiety? After all, this has been an increasingly recurrent affliction in society and the search for wildcard options is so frequent that we may think that a medication that treats depression is also useful in generalized anxiety disorder.

The answer is: no, bupropion is not indicated to treat anxiety, despite treating disorders that involve this problem. In fact, anxiety is, curiously, one of the side effects of this medication, as listed below.

What are the side effects of bupropion?

There are a number of other effects and reactions โ€“ including those identified after the drug has been marketed. For more detailed information, you can look for the leaflet online, available on medical websites or on the laboratory page.
And it doesn't hurt to be repetitive: only the doctor can prescribe bupropion, which is sold upon presentation of a prescription.

Contraindications: who cannot take bupropion?

The use of bupropion is not recommended for people in one (or more) of the following situations:

  • Known hypersensitivity to bupropion or any other component of the formula.
  • Diagnosis of epilepsy or other seizure disorders.
  • Diagnosis of bulimia or anorexia nervosa.
  • Abrupt withdrawal from alcohol or sedatives, including benzodiazepines, antiepileptics, and barbiturates.
  • Use of any other bupropion-based medication (since the incidence of seizures is dose-dependent).
  • Use of a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI โ€“ the first substances to be used as antidepressants) or within 14 days after stopping treatment with MAOI.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Age below 18 years.
  • If your doctor has prescribed bupropion, seek to talk to him in detail to guide you on the use of this drug. And if you have any previous problems, notify him, to know if it will be possible to continue โ€“ or even start โ€“ the treatment.

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Now you know another drug that can help with various disorders, especially with depression, nicotine addiction and obesity. It is an extra help for those looking for an efficient solution to chronic problems. It is worth reiterating that using medication without your doctor's knowledge is dangerous for your life.
But don't forget: adopting healthy lifestyle habits - eating well, exercising and taking care of your mind and emotions - is the best way to avoid a series of diseases, health complications and, almost always, the need for medication at all times. long term.

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