Born, Grow and Die

    As everyone knows, we were born, grew up and died on a tiny grain of sand, if we compare it to the size of the galaxy, on a small and almost imperceptible planet called Earth.

    What not everyone knows (or doesn't want to know) is that we are not the only intelligent beings in the galaxy. But not so smart, given the directions we've taken throughout our journey through these lands and humanity's existence.

    Our reality is extremely dense and controlling. It makes us practically incapable of feelings, emotions and ideas, which can be liberating and revealing many other possibilities of life, which will profoundly shock everything that has been revealed to us throughout our fragile and indelible existence.

    From parents to children, beliefs were passed on to us that were almost impossible to eradicate from our being.

    To change or transgress something is perhaps as downright painful and, for many, as impossible as ripping the heart out of the body and continuing to exist.

    Born, Grow and Die

    We are surrounded by all kinds of walls, bars, barriers, holograms, manipulations, in a selfish, false and competitive life.
    Chained and gagged, without even realizing it.
    An invisible prison.
    Unknowingly arrested.
    We always think we are free.
    And many still think so.
    The vast majority believe in freedom to this day, and perhaps forever.
    But for many of us, from a recent past, a few years, to the present day, a vision of the whole begins to grow, of who we are, why we came and where we are going.

    People started out at a slow pace initially and now we see this process accelerating more and more, waking up to a new life.
    It is no longer enough to be born, grow and die.
    Let's change these verbs.
    There is something much more important and fundamental, difficult to explain many times, but that has been gaining shape and space in our new life and purpose.
    The person who wakes up, wakes up, doesn't hear a call from something or someone, he feels that call, very strong and exciting.
    She feels the force of love, often not subtle, practically forcing her to change course abruptly. Without any explanation. It just seems like a order of the universe.

    I was at my wife's parents' house, still as a boyfriend, happily smiling with her, because I always loved her very much and I still do to this day.

    Suddenly, a call breaks the joy of the moment, as the neighbor next door had felt sick and had fallen to the ground.
    We all ran out, me, my girlfriend and my father-in-law.
    Then we saw the neighbor lying in the living room of the house, inert.
    He had just passed away.
    We had to put him to bed at that first moment.
    My father-in-law held him by the arms and I was in charge of holding him by the legs to put him on the bed.
    I looked at him sadly. She had a view of his entire body.
    It was just a few steps until I reached the bed, but for me, it turned into an eternity, as a whirlwind of feelings came to me, unexpectedly.
    At that time he was a very materialistic and accumulating person.


    Born, Grow and Die

    He was the director of a small company owned by my father. My only interest in life was financial success and public and social recognition of the virtues I believed I had. A winner. I just thought about myself and the possibility of giving a life full of material goods to my future wife and forming an entire successful family.

    This is what I wanted: to be the leader of a successful young family. Prosperity and security. Just it.

    But those few seconds that separated me from the beginning of the transport of the dead neighbor to his bed changed my life definitively.
    I noticed a strong main emotion: that life couldn't be just that. She felt that there was something more, and that it was, at that moment, manifesting itself, almost like a scream, a howl.
    Very strong. Everything came down. I felt the other side of life. The side we can't see, but we can feel.
    Something was very wrong with the life he had led until then.
    Life was not simply what it was drawn up until that moment.
    It was also what he couldn't see, but it was necessary to feel.
    Feel extremely strong.
    Feeling is tremendously stronger than seeing.
    So strong, these words will never be able to describe.
    A lot has changed for me since then.
    And it has been changing to this day.
    I'm someone else.
    Unconditional love started to be a part of everything, in short.
    It was the beginning of a life for me, now with a single verb: amar.

    He had just agreed.

    You may like another text by the author. See here: Fragments of Existence

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