Boost immunity with the use of essential oils and aromatherapy

In charge of keeping our body functioning, free from diseases and infections, the immune system calls for extra attention, especially in times of coronavirus and future threats from other viruses. The lack of care with immunity can lead to serious problems and that is why it is necessary to maintain, preferably always, high immunity.

To handle so much energy, the proper functioning of the set of cells, organs, tissues and proteins spread in our body depends, in addition to other factors, on a balanced diet, which is also very important for the whole organism to function properly. Practicing physical exercises and adopting healthy habits, such as food and hand hygiene, enhance not only health, but mainly prevention measures and the new rules to be followed due to the pandemic.

It is essential, however, the inclusion of a diet rich in nutrients since they are responsible for activating the defense mechanisms in case any disease appears. Types A, B, B5, B6, C and E vitamins contribute to vigorous nutrition, helping to prevent the onset of signs of low energy, which are often disguised as flu, colds, fevers, chills, excessive tiredness. , nausea, among other routine discomforts.

In reinforcement, essential oils enter the list of the most used holistic tools when it comes to increasing immune resistance. In addition to being natural, the products are accessible, easy to handle and provide good results if combined with the previous actions already described.

Although aromatherapy is considered ancient and contains records of its use since the time of Ancient Egypt, it is still a therapeutic method in Spain. If in the past the technique consisted, above all, in the treatment of diseases and the extinction of pests, nowadays it is considered a powerful complementary alternative in the fight against various disorders of modern society, such as stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia and many other physical and psychological.

Boost immunity with the use of essential oils and aromatherapy
Monicore / Pixabay

Loaded with organic and harmless properties, essential oils are concentrated compounds extracted from the remains of trunks, leaves, fruits, seeds, roots and flowers full of healing substances. Contact with the smell of one (or more) fragrance causes the brain to capture messages and activate the discharge of neurochemicals in the limbic system with relaxing, sedative and stimulant actions that are absorbed through the skin. This event promotes extensive wellness improvements.

Whether through diffusers, baths, massages or compresses, it is not the way in which aromatherapy is used that will guarantee satisfaction. Its applicability is simple and with a few drops of the composition it is possible to experience positive effects. And it is the variety of aromas and the incorporated elements that are successful and open a range of beneficial options for strengthening immunity. To keep the environment clean, fresh and bacteria-free, check out some essence tips and see how they can help.

Tea tree oil

Characteristics: strengthens low immunity and is widely used in patients with a weakened viral load, such as cancer patients and HIV patients. It is antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, anti-infectious and bactericidal.

Eucalyptus oil

Characteristics: Eucalyptus is very popular in situations of respiratory discomfort, such as congestion, allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, and it even helps to clean the air. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial.

ravensara oil

Characteristics: potent against the influenza virus, the essence of ravensara is one of the most effective in cases of severe colds that take a long time to pass and it also serves the entire respiratory system. It is anti-infectious, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, immunostimulant, mucolytic, expectorant and neurotonic.

thyme oil qt thymol

Characteristics: with the help of phenols, it acts on the nervous system providing relaxation, relief from muscle pain, tiredness and fatigue, it acts in the detention of germs and in defense against the entry of viruses and infections. It is antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, mucolytic, immunostimulating, neurotonic and bronchodilator.

Boost immunity with the use of essential oils and aromatherapy
Monfocus / Pixabay

Clove oil

Characteristics: one of the most used for sore throats, asthma and bronchitis, helps in strengthening immunity and is touted as one of the most powerful energy invigorating. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, antioxidant, carminative, antiviral, anesthetic, local analgesic, fungicidal and bactericidal.

Oregano oil

Characteristics: effective as a natural expectorant, it improves lung inflammation (and several other respiratory complications), it is even indicated for protection against possible fungi, bacteria and protozoa that are in the air. It is anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, bactericidal, antioxidant, diuretic and digestive.

Boost immunity with the use of essential oils and aromatherapy
Marina Pershina / Pixabay

Lavender oil

Features: Calms the nerves and is great for managing anxiety, depression and sleep disorders. It really is a real versatile remedy ready to change the mood and tension of the moment. It is antiseptic, antibacterial, antidepressant, muscle and digestive antitensive.

  • Aromatherapy: discover the purpose of each aroma
  • Discover the essential oils that help bring more balance
  • Understand the relationship between holistic therapies and autoimmune diseases

There is a range of excellent essential oils for those looking to live with more quality and comfort. It is worth mentioning, however, that in the event of any symptoms or signs of indisposition and illness, no primary measure replaces the evaluation of a doctor. Aromatherapy is an integrative therapy.

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