Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

There comes a time in life when most women think about fulfilling their big dream: being a mother! But, even if the will exists, they often feel insecure because they don't know if it's really the right time. After all, the birth of a child will change a lot in your life.

So, for moms-to-be, we’ve listed 10 movies and books that will help clear up some doubts:

1. Do I really want to be a mother? (book)

Having a child should be a conscious decision together with your partner. The book addresses topics such as maternal instinct, biological clock, needs and investments when planning to have a baby, the couple's life after having a child, in addition to other women who have decided to be a mother or not. Psychologists, pediatricians, sociologists and obstetricians also discuss the subject.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

2. What to Expect When You're Expecting (book)

Okay, now that you've found out you're going to be a mother, what to do? The book brings together tips on choosing your doctor, prenatal care, which type of delivery would be the best choice for you, sex during pregnancy, main care, in addition to a chapter dedicated to Dad.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

3. The Mothering Book (book)

The book is divided into two chapters: the care that parents should take during pregnancy and in the child's childhood.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

4. My Pregnancy and My Baby (book)

This book is like a guide, it shows from the care that pregnant women should take during pregnancy until the baby turns three years old. Topics such as the shopping list, pregnancy calendar, information relevant to the mother's health, among others that will help first-time dads to carry out tasks and prepare with peace of mind are addressed.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

5. Motherhood and the encounter with one's own shadow (book)

Having a child requires immense responsibility and generates great impacts on the mother's life. This book invites mothers to reflect on this subject.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

6. Active birth (book)

The book talks about normal birth and its common variations, where obstetric interventions are not needed. It also features stories of women who prepared themselves on this issue and then experienced complications or needed the help of pain relievers.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

7. Magical Origins, Enchanted Lives (book)

The book is a manual with the aim of training not only conscientious parents, but also balanced men to live harmoniously in society. The content analyzes life from three different points of view: physiological, psychological and spiritual.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

8. I don't know how she does it (film)

The film shows the division of a woman's life between career, husband and children. In addition, it reports the sentimental conflicts and personal pressures that the main character faces.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

9. Little Nicholas (film)

Nicolau is a spoiled boy, an only child, who, upon learning that there is a possibility of having a brother, makes plans to remain the only child in the house.

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

10. If I Were You 2 (movie)

It is recommended that the couple watch the film together. During the film, the man experiences the sensations that the woman feels during pregnancy and the woman puts herself in the man's place. Laughs Guaranteed!

Books and movies to read before deciding to be a mother

Are you over 30 and have questions about motherhood at this stage? Read on the website: Motherhood after 30.

  • Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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