Divorce: the end or a new beginning?

    When talking about the end of a relationship, it is always difficult. If even when our TV burns we are upset, imagine the end of a relationship. In fact, even worse: a divorce. Worse because when a common and non-formalized relationship ends, the chances of things getting right are greater. Now, if one of the partners, or even both, opt for divorce, pay a lawyer and resort to bureaucratic means to end the relationship, then it is likely that a decision was made with a much greater chance of being final.

    When a divorce occurs it is because you have decided to do so, your partner, or both. In theory, when you make the decision to end the relationship yourself, you tend to be able to deal with it better, after all, you had more time to reason about the end and are more prepared. The problem is the weight of regret, so if you think about taking this path, it's worth reflecting if you haven't tried everything to continue the relationship.

    If the decision is made together, the chance of a cordial relationship between the two increases. Whether to get back together one day or to be friends. As much as not everyone is favorable to a friendship between people who had a relationship, socially speaking it is very positive to have a circle of good friends for the most varied situations, including to turn to a helping hand.

    Now, we come to the crucial point of the divorce: it was his decision and you, in addition to not wanting to break up, were surprised on top of that. Tried to argue, justify, beg and even cry for a second chance, but nothing was done. It's the end. End of what, anyway?

    Divorce: the end or a new beginning?

    The old adage that you choose to look at the glass as half empty or half full fits perfectly in this type of situation. Often, when you have to deal with an event that wasn't your fault, it's easier to focus on getting out of it. Who never stopped to think if they made the right decision, living in ramblings and leaving the search to find a solution to a difficult time?

    Having a relationship is very good, but it can also be very bad. Being single is great, but it can be just as bad. The point is you know how to focus on what will do you good. “What has no remedy, is remedied”. If you're single, enjoy the freedom, meet new people and remember the things you wanted to do and couldn't because of the relationship. This is not the time to be regretting the good things that will never happen again, because it will only hurt you. Good memories won't be deleted, but that's the time when they won't bring you anything good.

    A divorce can be seen in two ways: an ending or a beginning to a new life. You will have the opportunity to retrace the paths you took in the past and did not work out, but which taught you many things. Relating is a way to mature and you will be more prepared for new situations, and this goes for new relationships.

    • Written by Diego Rennan of Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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