4o. Eclipse Lunar Penumbral

The year 2020 still has some interesting events in store for us, such as the 4th penumbral eclipse, which will take place on November 30th. This phenomenon, which is one of the most awaited by astrologers, astronomers and lovers of these two strands of knowledge, can be seen in different regions of planet Earth. In addition to this one, we had three other penumbral eclipses this year, which took place on January 10th, June 5th and July 5th.

This phenomenon requires a little more of our attention, because, initially, it has the appearance of an ordinary Full Moon, but with a lower brightness in relation to what we are used to seeing. It usually presents a less intense color, like a greyish, very smoky one and this is the aspect that draws the attention of those who are willing to witness its appearance in the sky.

How does a penumbral eclipse happen?

4o. Eclipse Lunar Penumbral

The Sun, Earth and Moon are present in the Universe in this order of position, but without a precise alignment between them. In this way, part of the sunlight is prevented from reaching the Moon, which, in turn, is located in the twilight zone. This zone is where the shadow edges of the planet Earth are located, causing a โ€œweakโ€ shadow on the Moon.

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When a partial or total eclipse occurs, what happens is that the Moon has a good part or all of it positioned in the umbra zone, that is, the โ€œstrongโ€ shadow of the Earth. Lunar eclipses only occur on the Full Moon, as it must be positioned behind the Earth in opposition to the Sun.

The visibility of the 4th penumbral eclipse of November 30

Being able to be seen in much of the planet, the 4th penumbral eclipse of November 30, 2020 can be seen in several Spanish cities. Hours are different between regions, ranging from 2 am to 6 am.

To follow this incredible phenomenon with such subtle characteristics, just look at the sky on the expected date of its occurrence.

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