Bergamot Essential Oil

We live so many tribulations, there are so many energies that mix with ours, that we often lower our vibratory pattern. Consequently, our resistance is compromised and we end up with discomforts. Today, we're bringing bergamot (botanical name: Citrus bergamia) to our essential oil series.

Extracted from the rind of the fruit, bergamot essential oil has antiseptic, antibiotic, antispasmodic and carminative properties; is stomach tonic, antidepressant, sedative, antipyretic, vermifuge, healing, expectorant and immune stimulant.

Bergamot Essential Oil

Like all citrus oils, it brings a feeling of joy and cheer to anyone who inhales it. It also has a tonic and regulatory effect on circulation and the digestive system, especially in states of nervous tension. Treats gastric disorders. Stimulates and regulates appetite. In aesthetics, it stimulates the lymphatic system, helping the body to eliminate toxins, fluid accumulation, cellulite and localized fat. It is also indicated for the treatment of mixed, oily or acne-prone skin.

Autumn and winter are the ideal seasons to use these amazing drops. Because it is an immunostimulating oil, it protects us from diseases that attack the body's defenses, such as flu and colds. It also acts as an oral disinfectant, is very useful in the treatment of canker sores, sore throats and bad breath.

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This is a really versatile oil, because it treats our whole body, our mental health and also our soul. Stimulant, it is an oil that lifts anyone's spirits and, therefore, is also considered one of the most powerful oils against depression.

It can be used in those situations that demand greater self-confidence or when we need to defend an idea with joy and conviction. In times of so many changes and symptoms of planetary transition, this oil helps us work through our fears, frustrations and emotional catharsis.

It encourages and supports us to see the bright side of things, anchoring the energy necessary for us to see everyday situations from a different, more optimistic and empowered perspective. It brings the clarity needed to get out of victimism and negative thoughts.

As if that weren't enough, bergamot oil, for working our emotional side so well, is a great ally to control anxiety and facilitate overcoming addictions and compulsions.

To make a room spray, you will need a 100 ml glass spray bottle. Fill with 33 ml of grain alcohol, top up with water and add 20 drops of bergamot essential oil. Shake well and then just spray in the environment 2 to 3 times a day. With this, the oil will aromatize and, at the same time, spread its active principle throughout the environment.

It is worth remembering that, like all essential oils, bergamot oil is highly volatile and over time our sense of smell โ€œgets usedโ€ to the smell. This does not mean that the therapeutic properties lost their effect, on the contrary. The rule applies to all essential oils: after the chosen application, even when you are no longer feeling the โ€œaromaโ€, it continues to perform its functions. OK?

Bergamot Essential Oil

The contraindication for bergamot essential oil is to use it in concentrations above 1% due to the fact that its aroma is very intense. In addition, it should never be used neat on the skin. Even diluted in vegetable oil or creams, it is not recommended. After applying to the skin, expose yourself to sunlight or ultraviolet light, as, like all citrus oil, it can cause stains in these conditions.

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