Benefits of exercise for the mind

Benefits of exercise for the mind

Physical exercise has, without a doubt, a very important role in maintaining a healthy life and in reducing psychological diseases, such as depression, anxiety and stress. For practitioners of regular physical exercise, there are many benefits, such as brain health, neural growth, reduction of inflammatory processes, feeling of calm and well-being. Another benefit is that during physical exercise, high amounts of endorphins are released into the bloodstream, causing pain relief and increased pleasure, resulting in the individual's general well-being and breaking the cycle of negative thoughts resulting from depression.

Doctoranytime warns that it is very important to consult a specialist in order to carry out the activities necessary and recommended for each type of person, based on the health history and physical conditions of each one.

How to achieve the benefits and release the tension?

When the person moves, there is an improvement in blood flow to the neurological system, through aerobic exercises, such as running, swimming, cycling and dancing. On the other hand, exercise works on muscle stretching, produces muscle relaxation and helps to release accumulated tensions.

β€’ Proper breathing

Another very important element that helps to release tension is correct breathing, which is an excellent complement to physical exercise. In anxiety episodes, breathing accelerates and the sympathetic system is activated, inducing the production of adrenaline, reducing the diameter of blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. Breathing control activates the parasympathetic system, which has the opposite effect on the sympathetic system. In this way, the muscles relax, the heart rate and blood pressure decrease, as well as the heartbeat. If the person is experiencing events related to depression, it is common to have very slow breathing and, in this regard, physical exercise helps, as, as described above, it increases and accelerates breathing.

β€’ Song

Often, releasing bodily tension can be achieved through sound. Music helps to release tension and, in some cases, helps the individual to reconnect with himself with the strength needed to get out of the depressive state. In the case of exercises that require a lot of energy, such as boxing or karate, the strength of movement, breathing and sound expression are combined, being extremely beneficial to health.

β€’ Taking advantage of the β€œnow” moment

Another beneficial element of exercise is that it keeps us in the present, here and now. The mind attaches itself to the movements being made, not to the past or the future. Depression can take you to the past, to events that caused you pain, while anxiety takes you to the future, to the uncertainty of what will happen tomorrow or in some situation. Keeping the mind in the present seems to be very beneficial.

What are the benefits for the mind?

β€’ Increased memory

Exercises have actions directly linked to the brain, and some of these actions are related to the ability to memorize things. Chemicals stimulated in the brain during physical activity maintain the health of neurons, as well as the formation of new blood vessels and even the formation of new cells. Studies have shown that the temporal portion of the brain responsible for memory and quick thinking is greater in people who exercise.

β€’ Stress and anxiety reduction

Exercises are extremely important in actions to reduce stress and anxiety, as they improve cognitive ability, increase self-esteem and provide energy. One of the factors that lead to the reduction of stress and anxiety is the fact that exercise contributes to the release of endorphins. This hormone is widely known as the happiness hormone and brings several benefits, such as elevation of mood, increased physical disposition and concentration, strengthening of the immune system, memory and sleep quality, generating a significant improvement in the quality of sleep. life.

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Physical activities can be as varied as possible, such as high intensity (eg crossfit) or relaxation, strengthening and stretching (eg yoga and pilates). Hiking and swimming are also mind-boosting activities.

doctoranytime recommends visiting a professional who can be scheduled through the platform. The professional will indicate the best exercise for each person based on the health history and conditions of each individual.

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