Believe and Know. What is God?

Therefore, God can indeed exist and be of the same nature as a thought. Thought that, for not being ours, we are not able to perceive. But as said before we can know of the existence of a thought coming from another person if he expresses it in some way that our senses can understand.

There is another question about thinking that is worth mentioning. Many will say that a scientist is capable of tracking thought with a specific machine. And they really do. But they track him and nothing else. What you see is just the effect of the thought on the brain and not the thought itself.

Returning to God. Perhaps one way of “tracking” Him is to find His effects in the things we can see and feel. If thoughts have an effect on us, God could do the same.
We can also look for expressions of God. For if we only know what a person thinks when he expresses himself, the same could happen with God.

But if God expresses himself, where to look?

Well, I don't know a specific place, so I'll have to look everywhere. Many men say that He is everywhere. This seems to be one of the only concepts of God that everyone agrees on.

Okay, let's give them that credit and start there.

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Let's analyze. If God is in everything, then everything is an expression of God. If everything is an expression of God, He would be everything. However, this all seems very vague.

Also, what would God be trying to tell us? For if when I express myself it is to communicate to another what I think, I believe that God, in expressing himself, would want the same.

What is God's message? What does he want to talk about?

I really don't know and have no idea where to look.

Again I will follow advice from those who believe they already know about God or at least see themselves on the way to it.

Many say that God is not outside. As I analyze this statement, I realize that there may be truth to it. After all, I've looked for God everywhere and I still haven't found him. Virtually everyone I met looked for God on the outside, and I've never met anyone who claimed with certainty to have known him. I'm not talking here about knowing God's words, his teachings and all that stuff. This is all questionable, it all comes from others. They are words spoken by other mouths, and words my own can speak. No, I speak of knowing God in essence, just as I know my thoughts. I speak of knowing.

So let's go back to looking for Him. Looking for it outside seems really fruitless, since I don't know anyone who has managed to do it. So where else to look but around me?

An answer just comes.

Believe and Know. What is God?

Inside. Is God inside me? After all, there are men who say yes. There's no way for me to know if they're right just by reading their words. However looking outside I didn't find it and inside me is a place I've never probed.

We will then try to find Him within. But where to start?

To look inside myself, I'll have to know what's there. But I have no idea what lives inside me. So let's start by trying to find out who I am. Like looking for something in the depths of my being without knowing who this is. How do you go in search of a mountain to explore without knowing what a mountain is?

Okay, what do I notice about myself?

I have the thought that we have already seen. Thought is the fruit of the mind, so let's call it. Emotions are also very noticeable in me, they represent another aspect that makes up who I am. I own the body, which is the most obvious and beyond doubt. There are three aspects that undoubtedly constitute my being. Let's analyze each of them, then, and see what we find.

Starting with the body, since, among those mentioned, it is the only one that can be perceived by the senses of others. I mean, anyone is able to see my body, touch it, smell it, hear the sounds it makes and in the same way I am able to perceive the emanations of another body. Am I the body then?

Well, just as another being can feel my body, so can I. He is like a machine that I use to interact with the world. If I make use of him, it seems strange to me that I can be him. How can I use myself? Does the car use itself to get anywhere? No, the driver uses the car. Does the driver believe it's the car just for that? No, he knows that the car is just a machine, a tool that allows him to get where he wants to go. No, I don't believe I'm the body, because it's just my tool to get where I want to be.

Okay, if I'm not the car, but the driver, who's the driver? He is the one who gives the orders to the car and drives it. Interesting… Who seems to control my body in a similar way? Yes, the thought. I will be the thought, then, probably.

Let's analyze.

I think, therefore I am. That's what they say. That's what the philosopher said. Yes, if I think I need to exist, since that is how I see that I am there. I am the mind, then, for the mind produces thought. But analyzing the mind we realize that it is nothing more than a tangle of memories of things I've read, heard, seen and lived. Am I this then? A sea of ​​revolting memories? It doesn't seem sensible to me. If the mind is formed by memory, it is formed solely by external factors. Everything in it comes from outside, so it just builds on what it already knows. Nothing in it is really mine. So my thoughts are nothing more than a collection of various ideas gleaned from my experiences.

Would a rose be a rose if it exhaled the scent of other flowers? I think not.

Believe and Know. What is God?

If my thoughts aren't even mine, how can I be my thoughts? I would be creating others too. A Frankenstein monster created from the pieces of other monsters.
The mind seems to be a mechanism for processing the world. If it is with the body that we interact with it, it is with the mind that we understand it. But no, I am not the mind.

We are left with emotions. These are powerful. They have a great effect on us. They can make us kill or die for someone. But what are they? Where do they come from?

It seems clear that they are the effect of thoughts. If I think of something good, I feel joy. If I think about something bad, I feel sadness, fear. Yet emotions seem to be able to do the same to the mind. If I'm fine, I have positive thoughts; if bad, I think of the worst. What is cause? What is effect?

We must add that external facts can influence emotions. In fact, they are the regulators of our emotions, most of the time. And these outside influences are perceived by our senses and processed by our mind. Therefore, if emotions are reactions that we have to external influences and these influences are processed by the mind, emotions end up being fruits of the mind in response to what comes from outside. Of course, an emotionally unbalanced person won't even be able to think straight. She will be immersed in the product of her own mind.

Emotions look like this, chemical reactions that reverberate in the body. And if they stem from the mind, which we have already concluded is not who we are, neither are we, our emotions.
And now? It seems that we analyze every aspect that we can perceive in ourselves.

In fact, one is missing. This is different from the emotions, the mind and the body, as it cannot be perceived by anyone, at least not with the senses. You've heard of him from the mouths of the spiritual and religious.

The spirit.

Believe and Know. What is God?

Now we come to a difficult field to explore. There is nothing I can find that gives me a more solid idea of ​​the existence of spirit, after all the quality of solidity seems not applicable to any attribute related to what we know about the concept of spirit.

All we have about what the spirit is are the words of people who claim to know what it is. And people deceive themselves or try to deceive.

But perhaps this impossibility of perceiving the spirit is the answer, or at least a hint of what it might be.

Why, if I don't feel the spirit, maybe it's because this is me. How could I feel myself? I can only feel what I am not, only what comes from outside. The eyes are not capable of seeing themselves, they see at most their reflection, but never themselves. So it can be with the spirit, unable to perceive itself.

Is there then a mirror capable of reflecting the spirit so that we can have a glimpse of its existence? What would that mirror be? I don't know. But analyzing all this information, I admit that there may be a spirit and that it is the true Self.

It would be easy not to notice who we are, with so many external factors hitting us from all sides and infinite sensations that make us unable to assimilate our true essence.

And now that I have come to the idea of ​​Spirit, I realize that it is even more similar to the concept of God than is thought. More ethereal, immaterial, imperceptible to the gross senses.

If there is a Spirit that I can identify with myself, and that is invisible to every perceptual capacity that we conceive, and if there is also a God who fits the same characteristics, it is entirely acceptable and logical that we conclude the possibility of God being Spirit.

And finally, after all this speculation, I think that if God is Spirit and I am also Spirit, if I am the same, would I be God?

Who knows?"

“Alhados” is a book of my own, dictated in my ears by the beautiful muses of the new time.

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