9 types of detox to do in your life!

    With the new year knocking on your door asking for several changes, it's always good to detox in life, isn't it? And it's not green juice we're talking about. Look:

    1.  Get the pesky people off Facebook, who only fill your timeline with useless stuff.

    2. Detox on foods that gave you momentary pleasure and then made you feel like crap.

    3. Do a detox from that sentence: "Let's book". Make an appointment, go out and fulfill all the appointments you make.

    4. A good detox will be you donating all the clothes that are in your closet that you no longer use, and that can be useful to someone.

    9 types of detox to do in your life!

    5. Cell detox! This one is hard, but try! Stay a little further away from your cell phone and you will discover several things.

    6. Do a detox in your bag and take out all those junk and candy wrappers that just take up space.

    7. Detox on friends that are faker than a 3. This is a must for 2016!

    8. Detoxing your cell phone photo album is something I know you need!

    9. Perhaps one of the most important is to stop stalking people. Detox this addiction now! Live your life and focus on your stuff, not on others (let alone your ex's!).

    Text written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team. 

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