Before I become your love, I have to become your friend

    Loving relationships are not an isolated type of relationship. To get there, you need a learning path. Developing love in ourselves is one of the most talked about topics today., all kinds of “recipes” you can find on the web and yet, it's up to you to find your own, inside you. After starting this process, we begin to realize that one of the facets of love is knowing how to relate to each person in our lives in the way they present themselves in our circles of coexistence.

    Love shared with family members is a type of experience that will generate certain results in us. Love shared with friends is like a second family, there, we will develop other skills that are also very essential for our personal evolution. And love, love? Romantic love as we know it socially? The sung, learned, heart-breaking love of disappointments and everything else? What does this love that so scrambles our emotions mean?

    This format of love is the sum of all the others. In a romantic relationship, we come across another being who also has family, friends, old loves, in addition to facing the same difficulties and pleasures as us, such as fears, afflictions, needs, achievements, joys, etc.

    Before I become your love, I have to become your friend

    We are often lovers, but we are not friends with our partner, why does this happen? Do we think that our loved one has some obligation to tolerate our ills at all costs? Do we expect him or her to come into our lives with a generous mission to save us and deliver us from misfortunes that we ourselves cannot handle? This thought about love is already spent, it's finally been falling through some lands. If we're good friends with our friends, then it's time to show all this friendship for our little sweetheart. Since we don't take our frustrations out on our friends, how about not taking it out on the suitor? By the way, don't take it out on anyone...

    Friendship first, love later? That doesn't spoil the relationship, does it? No! There is always a difference between a friend and a boyfriend. The affective partner always brings butterflies to our empty stomachs, but friends don't. It could be, that's none of their business. Partners see other qualities in us, the perspective is different, of course. For a person to deserve our loving surrender, they have to prove to us that they deserve us, and this is demonstrated through friendship, companionship. This is one of the solid foundations that will help balance the relationship in the long term: knowing that it is understood, knowing that we can count on it, knowing that we will not be charged, after all if you give (or receive), it is free. , are charging what?

    This terrain can be dangerous. We don't say here that we should distribute opportunities to our friends, because our love can be there. It can happen sometimes, we've heard beautiful stories of friendships that turn into romance. We've also seen romances turn into friendships afterwards. We are neither in the first case nor in the second. We are in the middle, trying to escape the era in which we skip steps in order to live the great love, to reach a level of intimacy that only happens with patience and time, in this whole reel we only forget one detail: love is built and a One of the ways to do this is through friendship. Even if our heart tells us that we are in front of the person we are looking for, as much as we feel a different connection, analyzing and pondering is never enough. We don't know a person for what they post on social media, for what they say they are, we don't know in a month and not in a year, in fact, we will never know someone in their entirety! Romance is friendship with something more.

    Before I become your love, I have to become your friend

    Loving is not simply learning to live with the flaws of the other, it goes beyond that. To love is to understand that we are all in the process of growth, we all go through lessons and learning is individual. Love is always an extension of who we are with ourselves when no one is looking. If our friendship is true, love will be too. It doesn't matter how long it will take to happen, what matters is the solidity of that relationship. Love unfolds in the pleasure of perceiving the smallest details of the other, the shaking of the legs in fearless delivery, paying to see takes time, the rest is watching life taking care of making it happen, of course there are no ready-made models that apply for all. There are couples who meet and in a short time understand each other well, it depends on emotional maturity and perception of one another. Remember: everyone has their time!

    Love is born of friendship because when it's true, nothing needs to be forced. If the two are committed on the same road, everything else is resolved like magic, one follows the other and the connection is established. Let's relearn to give time for things to happen, to love, it's essential to know the other. We cannot love the unknown, nobody loves only beauty or only ugliness. Love is complete and complements itself in relationships, it is learning to delight in coexistence with the other.

    Let's keep in mind that simplicity and truth cannot be separated. If you are able to adapt to each other without great demands, if you are free with each other, then the way will open up more and more. If he likes you as you are, if he decides it's worth it, he'll stay, if not, it's just friendship.

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