Be useful and have a long life

    Beloved! Nothing will ever be like before! This phrase is the key that defines the current moment of the Earth and its humanity. All the information that defines what is to come always leads to the same conclusion: NOTHING WILL BE LIKE BEFORE!

    Yes it's true. If the changes were within an understandable normality, then it would just be a continuation of what was already happening naturally within the usual evolution. But that's not what we're going to see from now on. Planetary Transition is an Event too grandiose to be understood by minds still in 3D vibration.

    The adjustment of the frequencies of human consciousness is always on the limit, since 2016. In an older text, it was written here that we had 4 years, precisely the period between 2012 and 2016, in order to prepare our bodies and our consciousness within the greatest incidence of Gamma Light that reaches the Earth, once it enters the Photon Belt.

    Be useful and have a long life
    Romolo Tavani from Getty Images/Canva

    So now we've been adapting for 6 years to what's yet to come. The current decade will be the bridge that divides the Third Dimensional Earth from the Fifth Dimensional New Earth. Although the Planetary Transition lasts around 3 Centuries, it started around 1750, then it is expected that by 2050 – 2060 everything will be consummated so that humanity is really and totally inside a World of Regeneration.

    There is also information, channeled in an older text, saying that the great exchange of Earth Spirits would take place within a window of about 25 years. This window started in 2012. Therefore, it should end around 2037. Always remembering that dates are only used in 3D linear time, so they are estimates that may vary a little up or down. We must consider them only as parameters. What really matters is that everything will happen within the Divine Plan for Earth.

    We have also put here information that each soul makes its incarnation plan even before reincarnating. Such a Plan is sovereign and the positive or negative result is achieved according to the choices of each one while incarnated. Nobody can change the Plan of the other, not even the Divine Laws, because each Plan is always inserted in them.

    What happens now is something completely new and part of the Transition moment. All that was is now no more. Old Earth is falling behind. As we cross the bridge that separates the two Earths, there is an exchange of all known Systems. Then also happens the fractal integration of 3D consciousness into a 5D version of your own soul. It is the time of ascension.

    Ascension is a consequence of each soul's frequency state. Once the required level is reached, she is fit for the New Earth. And that does not depend on disincarnating now or not. We just need to understand that all those who reach the end of time, requested even before reincarnation, and not being with the New Earth frequency, will be taken no longer to the Spiritual Colonies of Earth as before, but to the Ships that are around. from the earth.

    There these souls will be received, instructed about their new destiny, supported and comforted. They will then know that they will no longer reincarnate on Earth, as it is no longer a World of Atonement and Trials.

    Be useful and have a long life
    sdominick de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    Who is offering such support in these Ships, in addition to the Spirits of the highest Castes, are also the souls that disincarnate now and are already in the New Earth Frequency. We have said here before that the Thresholds of Earth are being emptied. This is part of the time that corresponds to the 25-year window.

    So when we understand the current process of humanity, we can understand the importance of the present day. But, above all, the importance of being aware of what is actually happening. This makes us aware that incarnated souls that have already reached the 5D frequency can also choose whether, upon disincarnation, they will assist in the Ships or continue incarnated and assist here among the incarnates.

    Yes, someone may say: and where is the Soul Plan then? In truth, the Soul Plan already foresees all this. We just don't remember yet. But while we are sleeping, the soul, freed from the material body, is already working on its mission. And that Plan determines that conscious choices will define where each one wants to work: whether on this side of the veil or on the other.

    Choosing to work on the other side of the veil, then when the time necessary to complete the last lessons is over, the soul disembodies and goes to the Ships to provide assistance to those who disincarnate in the condition of exiles from Earth.

    If the soul in its awakened consciousness (that is, in that consciousness that you, I and everyone else are now) decides to be useful to the divine Plan right here on the Crust of the Earth, that is, in our daily lives, this is the password that the Universe interprets as a choice to stay longer helping here among the incarnates.

    Remembering that, at any time, those who opt for this moratorium on the flesh can decide to complete the work here and continue on the Ships, like the others, in the disembodied condition.

    Be useful and have a long life
    Peopleimages de Getty Images Signature / Canva

    This justifies the title of this text today. BE USEFUL AND LIFE WILL PROLONG. The life here is the corporeal one, for the life of the soul is infinite. But it is important that we are aware that we are already able to make such a choice, a situation that was not possible before.

    It is very important to emphasize here that this choice described in today's text is only possible within a really full state of consciousness, that is, without any material interest or any other interest. A ready-made consciousness has, as of now, the potential to determine your future, as is everything from the Fifth Dimensional Worlds. Nothing could be more natural, as we are co-creators by essence of the Greater Creator.

    The times have come, and that nothing and nobody can change, because everything is Evolution. Each day, more and more souls reach the higher frequency, allowing new perspectives to be delineated. New resources and new possibilities arrive and assert themselves more and more. This will bring new knowledge that will bring about changes that were little noticed before, but that, little by little, will become undeniable even for the most skeptical.

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    As we see, as we advance, the possibilities also multiply, being increasingly accessible to an increasing number of people. In short, we are increasingly reaching Point Zero, that is, the great milestone of the Planetary Transition. The perceptions will be greater and greater for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Earth is already part of the Galactic Confederation, and we are also joining the great Galactic family.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment.


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