Gratitude is the key that activates the Law of Attraction

Law, among other meanings, would be: precept, norm, rule, order, obligation to comply, etc.

Wisdom is something you acquire, anyone can become wise.

Being theosophical is a quest for the wisdom of God, and it also concerns any kind of philosophical mysticism that purports to be mathematically or scientifically based.

We have a Law, and Wisdom, and now we add: Thought.

Have you heard about psychosomatic illness?

These psychosomatic illnesses originate and are caused by each person's emotional problems.

Psychosomatic illnesses are connected with emotional health and physical health.

Gratitude is the key that activates the Law of Attraction
Attila Demeter/Pexels

If you have some psychological discomfort, feel bad, and your mind keeps charging and blaming you, as if it hurts your soul, you can create and cause physical illness, or, if you already have one, make it even worse.

Our mind is powerful, see!

Remember the movie The Matrix? Machines connected using the energy that each human being produced?

So, how can we use the Law of Attraction for our good?

Being optimistic and realistic at the same time, not letting yourself be deceived and deceived is very important.

Be grateful for everything!

And everything is everything!

How to thank someone who steals and steals, violence of any kind, from a person who rapes and kills, bankruptcies, lack of money, and diseases?

It is how the secret is expressed.

I can thank you for being able to recover what was stolen, stolen, bankruptcies, and lack of money.

I can thank you for being able to rebuild my life and help other people who are victims of rape and violence.

I can be thankful for being able to be alive, instead of giving up on life.

As for the death of another person, over a life taken, there are no words to console.

Gratitude is the key that activates the Law of Attraction
Renan Lima/Pexels

However, the one who died would want you to be happy.

Desiring the other person's happiness should be normal, because it's a feeling.

Even in a competitive environment, sincerely wishing for the victory of the other is to aggrandize yourself.

Being optimistic is always believing in the best, in the many possibilities that present themselves before us, and especially moving forward.

If you don't believe in yourself, someone will do it for you, and dominate you.

Have gratitude for the financial happiness that exists and will become present and constant in your life.

Be grateful that you know what you want, and that you've already somehow achieved it, because there's nothing you can't be, do or have.

Want and wish to be able to buy anything.

Want and wish to be able to travel to the coolest and most amazing places in this world.

Want and wish to be able to gift your friends and family without worries.

Want and desire to be able to help those who need money, and then you will feel more grateful and happy.

Want and wish to be able to the wonderful energy of the universe, show you paths to your prosperity in every moment of your life.

It is written: Ask, and it shall be given you.

Yes, in the Holy Scriptures, we have the Law of Attraction! You can call it faith, a miracle!

Love yourself, and so you will have something to offer to the other.

We cannot give what we don't have.

Have love in yourself first, so you can share.

Ask! Desire to receive permission for everything to manifest as you dream, as you imagine, as you deserve. Amen!

Universal saying: God helps those who help themselves!

Put negative thoughts out of your mind.

The biggest enemy is inside you, it's your mind, which ironically โ€œliesโ€ constantly.

Because we are all people destined to be happy, healthy, joyful, and when you don't have control over it, you let yourself be influenced and a lot of the time, with negative influences, people who diminish you, devalue you, put you down.

Gratitude is the key that activates the Law of Attraction
Jenna Hamra/Pexels

Similars attract.

We are what we think, we are not what we think we are. We have that choice.

In this current, scientific, digital world, where people increasingly have binary thoughts, 0 and 1, as if it were a flowchart, with variables like if this, results that, even so, the Law of Attraction works and is real.

Validate positive thoughts that generate energy, generate positive frequencies, that tune in emanating and attracting positive things to your life.

The converse is true for negative thoughts, the effect results in at least disappointment.

And without attitudes, without action, nothing happens as you so desire.

Rhonda Byrne's book, and the 2006 movie "The Secret" was based on the "Law of Attraction".

All verbs designate an action.

Believing, trusting, acting, thinking, believing, loving, living, programming, understanding, transforming, motivating, dreaming, practicing, asking, being, seeing, and others only work when you have attitude.

The normal thing is to recognize that the Law of Attraction is real.

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For regardless of what you believe, I say that you will have a return of what originates within you, in your mind, in your thought.

Program, decree and order the mind in your favor consciously and unconsciously, perceive and try to understand your real feelings, see them executed.

Be happy!

Gratitude! I love Amituofo! namaste

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