Be prepared for anything

    Many years ago I watched a movie, K-Pax, where a character gave a hint to another character. This character who gave the tip, supposedly, was from another planet and the tip he gave the other one was: “Be prepared for anything!”. That stayed in my memory and I'm going to talk about it, not wanting to say that my interpretation, or understanding, of what it means to be prepared for anything is correct, but it's valid for us to evaluate.

    We cannot be prepared, from the point of view of information, of technique, about anything. We have many limits and living conditions, learning, knowledge, they are enormous, but “be prepared for anything”, for me, it hits me, as a meditator that I am, of me, of us not losing our awakened consciousness. , we don't lose the presence, that consciousness that is aware of itself in any situation.

    We have two ways of acting, of being: we have the presence mode, which is when there is an attentive awareness of the moment and, therefore, there is a decrease in thoughts as a consequence. And the other way of acting is as if it were a human being's instruction manual, it has the presence mode and the absence mode. In absence mode we are acting, talking and acting, but without the awakened inner observer, without the awareness of the moment. We are either in automatic mode or in conscious mode, there are two modes and, for those who meditate, they begin to enter, to live more and more in the presence mode, in the consciousness mode, and then they begin to observe that it makes a lot of difference.

    Our responses and our way of acting are very different whether we are in absence or presence mode. Being prepared for anything, in my understanding, is not getting out of presence mode. We can be in presence mode at any given time, it's usually something that, at the beginning, it's rare, it's rare for us to be in presence mode.

    For those who can perceive that this exists, who are dedicated to living more and more in this presence mode, meditation is their main tool. Of course, meditation as a technique, but with the aim of transporting this presence that meditation brings to life's situations. Then, the meditator notices that, as he meditates, the moments in which he remains in presence mode increase and he starts to realize that this mode, his responses and his performances are much more adequate than those he does from the absence mode.

    So, “be prepared for anything” implies a very great familiarity with the presence mode, an ease of entering, of being in this mode, in such a way that this specific situation “x”, that specific situation “y”, does not take it out this way.

    Be prepared for anything

    What happens: someone looks at us the wrong way, we leave the presence mode, we talk to us, the vast majority, I leave the presence mode with some ease, so, as we perceive this exit, we will also adjusting internally to maintain our state of presence, regardless of external circumstances, and then our actions and our responses will remain as appropriate as possible, within the level of presence that we can stay.

    So this video is a reminder for me, for those who listen and for those who feel it has to do with tuning in more and more into this state of presence, of being the waking consciousness of the moment without leaving that state so easily, rooting ourselves in that state. , what's up the situations do not matter, if the person remains in presence mode, ready!

    That's it, it's another stimulus for those who don't know this state of consciousness, try to know! Meditation is a path that makes us identify: yes, at that moment, some level of awareness, awareness and presence is happening, there is no complete absence. The more he recognizes that he is in the state of presence, the more he becomes rooted in it, the more he remains in it and he increases that permanence, and as this increases, the person gets excited. Wow, business is good and growing!

    You may also like other articles by the author. Access: In meditation, small differences make all the difference

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