Are you a medium?

Mediumship is a term that spread through the spiritist doctrine. Many people have heard of it and have also been surprised by a spiritual consultation in which it was revealed: You are medium!

This happened to me a long time ago and I was quite confused because I didn't know how to deal with the news. In my case, mediumship was on the rise, as they say in the spiritist world, and I had to dedicate myself to developing and balancing it. Today I have total control and work as a transpersonal therapist and with mediumship. I know that there are a lot of people suffering because of an unbalanced mediumship, with emotional and mental disorders, so I consider it very important to bring this knowledge without being bound by the limits of religion.

It's time to talk about mediumship beyond religious temples, we are evolving and self-knowledge is essential so that we can have more and more understanding of who we are and how we can improve our lives in every way.

We are beings made up of energy bodies, from the most subtle, which is our spiritual essence, to the most dense, which is our physical body. As spirits living in the earthly world, we transit through both worlds at the same time, the spiritual and the physical. They are worlds intertwined in different dimensions.

Mediumship is the sixth sense, which allows us to receive the sensations that come from the most subtle world. Therefore, we can conclude that we are all mediums and we interact with spirits! We no longer need to be scared if someone tells us that we have mediumship.

Are you a medium?
Joshua Abner / Pexels

Most people have intuitive or inspirational mediumship, which works as a subtle touch that comes to them like guidance from a mentor, for example. Some other people can sense events, others can see and hear disembodied spirits. Healing, psychography, clairvoyance, clairaudience, pictography, psychophony and incorporation are some of the modalities.

We are all connected energetically. We can feel the energy emanating from the environments and people around us. Feeling a slight unease when we walk into a place or when someone we love is not well, or the lightness of a higher energy.

Mediumship is classified into two distinct categories:

  • natural mediumship
  • ostensible mediumship

The natural medium has his sixth sense like all other senses, and can develop it naturally. The ostensible medium is the one who has a great mediumistic sensitivity and was born with a paraphysiological apparatus more appropriate for the exchange. It is easy to capture subtle emanations and if it does not develop its gift, it is at the mercy of other people's influences. They say it is a task mediumship.

Here are some symptoms of mediumship:

  • Sudden changes in mood;
  • Panic attacks;
  • Sleep-walking;
  • Feeling sick in crowded places;
  • Undiagnosed ringing in the ear;
  • Feeling of vertigo and of leaving the body;
  • Waking up and not being able to move the body;
  • Yawning too much;
  • Exaggerated fear of the dark;
  • Feel good in contact with nature;
  • Feeling frequent chills through the body;
  • Always have electronic devices with problems and broken;
  • Breaking glasses frequently;
  • Breaking bracelet and necklace chains when wearing them without touching them;
  • Close your eyes and see images of people;
  • Always dream of people who have died;
  • Lots of nightmares and trouble sleeping.

These are some typical symptoms, but we must clarify that we cannot generalize.

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A practice for you to get in touch with your mediumship:

  • Close your eyes and place your attention on the environment;
  • Mentally visualize this environment in every detail;
  • Feel the dominant energy in the place;
  • Realize if you feel something different from what you have in the environment when you have your eyes open;
  • Visualize now the energy of blue light enveloping the walls, ceiling and floor, asking your mentor to help harmonize the environment;
  • After a few moments, try to feel the energy of the environment again and see if you are calmer.

Be Love!

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