be happy here and now

be happy here and now
Do you live waiting for the right conditions to be happy? Are you one of those who live on hope, anchored in an ideal future and despising reality? I'm sorry friend, you, like the vast majority of humanity, haven't woken up yet. You can't realize that you're in the wrong direction, that you don't have to expect anything, in fact, hope distances you, more and more from happiness.

Hope is the kind of word that has been repeated to you millions of times and you have come to accept it as something wonderful and indispensable to your existence. In fact, “those who wait never reach”.

Hope is the daughter of idealization, it understands that the real world is the one that is idealized by our desires, because in it we can place all the favorable components for our comfort and well-being.

We project a reality where we will be completely happy and in it we have money, pleasure, nice people, perfect relationships and we don't realize that this world doesn't exist. In this world there is no rain, no disease, no accidents, no fights, no challenges, nothing. This world is a farce!

If there is a seventh heaven to be reached, it will certainly not be reached through these idealizations.

It's time to wake up! As long as we dream of this illusory world and live on hope, we will continue to deny what we are, running away from our reality and completely losing touch with reality. Happiness is a state of mind, it results from the perception of everything that exists here and now, because it is reality itself and it can only happen in the present; to reach it it will be necessary to remove the veil of illusions created with our projections and idealizations.

Nietzsche was completely right in criticizing this Socratic-Platonic thought of the ideal world (or world of ideas) and was the first to notice the influence of this nihilistic philosophy on Western thought. Denying reality and treating the present with contempt, believing that this is not the real world, has become a paradigm that has influenced from Christianity to all of Western thought. (It is important to remember that Christianity has nothing to do with Christ, Christianity was the human interpretation given to his teachings.)

Nietzsche was labeled a madman, despised by the academics of the time, precisely for standing up against this mental vice.

The truth is what man looks out for all the time, he tries to build a paradise on Earth, but he doesn't realize that this is a losing battle, because when he comes across the landscape, as a rule, he creates escape mechanisms through dreams and idealizations.

To live well in this world, the individual needs, from the outset, to look at himself, seek a broader understanding of his own condition, deal with the contents of his own shadow to gain the emotional resources necessary to live well with himself and not suffer from the conditions. external. In this way, he will be able to deal with reality with greater resignation, accept the imperatives of the universe and trust the Supreme Intelligence that acts on his own condition.

It's time to understand that everything that affects you has a high objective, aimed at your development, therefore, aimed at the good.

Happiness is from this world, yes, but from this “real” world that manifests itself here and now.

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