Balance of the year, of life

    “But of course the sun will come back tomorrow
    one more time i know
    Darkness I've seen worse, maddening sane people
    Wait the sun is coming"

    Hello friends!

    Starting with another song, but this time, Legião Urbana: “Once more”.

    Yes, once again life brought me opportunities, and I… I took it!

    Yes, right after we talked around here, after so much pain, darkness, weakness in every way, after coming out of the shadow of the disease that, we know, I created myself, life took a turn. A lot happened, from the trivial to the most complex, so life went on.

    At the end of August, in Rio de Janeiro, in the midst of the saddest and most painful event of the year, the death of a dear friend, my oldest daughter calls me and, as is peculiar to her, directly asks me: “ Mamys, would you move to Itu?” I, more than quickly, said: “Daughter, 100 km from São Paulo, I move anywhere”. Laughs.

    When something like death happens around us, we can't help but rethink everything we're feeling and doing with our days. Here at home it's like this: we stay together and talk about it until we get tired and, if necessary, we make all the decisions for changes that are appropriate at the moment to make “life alive”. Of course, we don't just think about it when death hits close, but always when we think it's necessary to rethink or feel distant.

    Well, I don't need to say that she had already rethought a lot… It weighed the time she was away from her daughter, who was only a year and a half, because of traffic, and other things. He began to send his resume and project to Salto and Itu, cities where he wanted to go because we had lived there twelve years ago, where we have the “family” of our hearts.

    Balance of the year, of life

    We started looking for properties in the city, booked with brokers and off we went, with pure confidence and without any security in existence. We were just going.

    I have the habit of saying: if it's meant to be, it's done!

    Every time I came home, my daughters had packed something else. There were no more pots or cups for tea… Everything was boxed up.

    In three and a half weeks, she was out of the job of almost six years, which she loved, (this was the worst moment), and a week later, she received the invitation to work. It would start on a Monday, October 3rd, but we didn't even have a house yet. Well, if the universe conspired in our favor all along, if everything came into our hands, it would come home too.

    On the Wednesday before the week she was due to start work, we found a house. After we lost one and almost lost faith too, we found an amazing home. The real estate owner was even more amazing. I delivered the documentation and we await, in the “total imbalance”, the answer.

    She didn't answer and I didn't want to be annoying to keep charging.

    The woman helped me with everything! She borrowed her cleaning lady and offered to buy the cleaning supplies since she knew I wouldn't have any time to buy them. And I would say to my daughters: “So, this is a yes, right?”

    On Friday, I got a truck to move on Saturday and there was no way around it… I sent a message on WhatsApp asking if everything was ok. Of course it was! But I needed to listen.

    On Saturday, at 8 am, I was at the door of the new house with the cleaning products. My daughters split up, half with me and the other half in SĂŁo Paulo waiting for the truck.

    Saturday night, October 1st, we were already in another house, in another city, with the “family of the heart”, laughing a lot at the thought that we had decided and, in a month, it happened!

    Opera summary… The only question I asked myself: what is the loss? When we have no attachments, when the will is true, here and now, when the will allows surrender to the universe so that it can bring us the result, have fun along the way and the thing happens. Oh, it happens!

    At this moment when our energies are to take stock of the year, of life, "RETHINK" and throw yourself into the new in your life!

    After all, "if it's meant to be, it already is"!

    All for you!

    “Never let them tell you it's not worth it.
    Believing in the dream you have
    Or that your plans will never work out
    Or that you'll never be somebody"

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