the past has passed

    Have you noticed how many people who, at certain times, were part of your life and were so important, but today are no longer? You don't even know how or where they are and maybe you don't even care anymore.

    Did you notice that other people appeared in that time interval and, with them, you were able to have new experiences and new learnings? Did you realize that life continued to be an extremely enriching experience and that you continued your journey naturally?

    Life is like that, it doesn't take people away from you, but it takes away those you don't need anymore, simple as that. You can be nostalgic, insist on rescuing old relationships, but you will realize, frustrated, that people are no longer the same. Like you, they too have changed. Often, you will notice that they are absolutely different and the reunions almost always take place within an atmosphere of protocol delicacy that often borders on falsehood.

    This happens because the enthusiasm of a relationship tends to disappear, thePeople unite because of their internal demands, mutually dump their projections, and as there is nothing else to project onto the other, life's circumstances simply conspire to a natural detachment. Any resistance to ruptures in these relationships will cause suffering. We need to learn to let go, understanding that nothing should anchor us, as the flow of life is intermittent. We are here to learn and, at every moment, a new experience can enrich us.

    the past has passed

    A life does not tolerate this kind of attachment, we should not hold the plow and look back as the Nazarene teaches us. What matters is the present, we have to focus on the here and now, accomplishing what we are being compelled to accomplish.

    There are no good memories, as absurd as it may seem. All remembrance results from samskaras (residual memories) and serves no purpose. If they are alive within us, they are certainly weighing on our unconscious, conserving their vibratory frequency, creating discomfort with their respective affective charges and, as long as we give importance to this material, we will be stuck in the Wheel of Samsara, having to return countless times. to the flesh to purify us.

    I know how perplexed you are as you read this, but think about it and be rational. There is no other way to transcend the body-mind reality than by getting rid of everything that gives life to that reality.

    Homesickness is not a pleasant feeling, therefore, it is a suffering like any other. If you feel good remembering something or someone, it's because your life is now at a lower level and you need to do something about it.

    There is nothing better than the detachment, as it is the greatest instrument available in the Universe to be used in the path of our transcendence.

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