Autumn: the middle way

    It's time to slow down the expansive rush of summer and appreciate the charm, elegance and wisdom that autumn brings.

    The word equinox comes from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), and means “equal nights”, occasions when day and night last the same time. When measuring the length of the day, sunrise is considered the moment when half the solar circle is above the horizon, and sunset (twilight or sunset) the moment when the solar circle is half below the horizon. horizon. With this definition, day and night during the equinoxes are equally 12 hours long. (Wikipedia)

    Autumn (from the Latin autumnus) is the season of the year that follows summer and precedes winter. In temperate or subtropical regions, it is characterized by a gradual drop in temperature and by the yellowing and beginning of the fall of the leaves on the trees, which indicates the passage of the seasons (except in regions close to the equator). (Wikipedia)

    Temperature fluctuating between mild and cold, less hot sun rays, mild and more intense winds, bringing announcements that winter will soon come.

    Dawn and dusk seem more like a palette of warm colors that blend in the sky offering a fascinating spectacle!

    Trees “lose” their leaves, gain new colors and flowers are born announcing that it is time for recollection, revitalization and renewal of life.

    Where does the fascination, sometimes unconscious, experienced at the autumnal equinox come from? I strongly feel this charm!

    I believe that nostalgia for a time already lived in deep connection with nature brings this feeling of magic around autumn. When our ancestors were guided by time outside of time and not by Kronos, the god of time.

    I experience in depth the relationship between the season and the soul's perceptions of life, its cycles, changes and uncertainties. There is a natural tendency to seek introspection, inner warmth and deepening solitude.

    Autumn: the middle way
    Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

    It's time to dive into the inner autumn, without melancholy. Recognize and seize the opportunity to “let go” of what no longer serves. Invigorate vital energy. Life is made of pauses and movements, that's the message of autumn for me!

    I was born at the beginning of May and I feel that the arrival of autumn invokes, in me, the observation of the sowing and personal harvests of the year and what I want to accomplish from my birthday.

    Clarissa Pinkola Estés, writer of the book “A Ciranda das Mulheres Sábias”, approaches the metaphor brought by autumn in a playful and welcoming way, in the chapter A Pequena casa na Floresta:

    “Ah, my admirable creature…


    I'm waiting for you…yeah, for you and your spirit! I'm glad you were able to find the way (…)

    (…) let’s, for now, just allow quiet thought to bless us for a while before we get back to talking about the old world organ (…)

    (…) Here, in this secluded refuge, the soul is allowed… and is expected to say what it thinks. Here your soul will be in good company (…)

    The house of the soul in the forest of the heart!

    Wanting to find the way to it, entering, pausing... enjoying the silence that says a lot..., flowing... laughing... crying... appreciating knowledge and flavors... this is the autumn of body and soul.

    I wish that autumn would take on a new meaning... as the organ of human uncertainties continues to play its melody.

    And for that, I remember tips posted in another article of mine, to inspire simple and safe self-care practices:

    Sleep – respect your need for sleep, how many hours of sleep are needed for general good mood? Consider your body's rhythm.

    Food – transition to warm or hot foods, according to your physical and emotional type, help digestive agni (fire), attention to fatty foods, enjoy broths and soups.

    Water – drink water, juices and teas, always considering what is good for you, ideal to seek specialized professional help.

    Bath – take advantage of the bath time to cleanse the body and its energy field, prepare baths with flowers, coarse salt, herbs, cinnamon. You don't need a bathtub, make a bouquet with lavender and rosemary, hang in the shower and feel the delight of this affection, turn off the light, light candles, put on relaxing music and enjoy your bath, a few minutes will make a lot of difference.

    Autumn: the middle way
    cottonbro / Pexels

    Home – always keep it airy, let the sunlight in, avoid environments full of things, organize spaces, donate what you no longer use, make the environments cozy, with what you already have. Remember… do more with less.

    Clothes – customize, donate, swap, sew and save… you don't need to renew your wardrobe every season, elegant is being sustainable.

    Reading, movies, series – choose pleasant topics that will bring inspiration and encouragement, everything we see and hear affects our entire conscious and unconscious being.

    • Check out the traditions and symbologies of the autumn equinox!
    • Discover the mutations that spring brings to life
    • Lower the house temperature with a milk carton? Read more about this story
    • Admire the season of pulsating fire and hope: summer!

    Physical activities – practices that bring motivation, consider your profile, moving the body releases chemical substances that bring well-being.

    Meditation – choose moments of the day to pause your activities, for a few minutes, enter the soft territory of silence, listen to the voice of ancestral wisdom that pulsates within you. Nurture spiritual intelligence!

    Appreciation or contemplation – observe the rhythm of nature, feel its rhythm, see the mornings, afternoons and nights, the sky… the colors of the Sun, taste the fruits of the season, enjoy the sunny, cloudy, rainy days.

    Hygiene – body, emotions and spirit – always!

    I wish you beautiful, creative, enlightened and vibrant experiences for expanding consciousness!

    “When one person really lives, everyone else lives too.”

    Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    Loving embrace.

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