Autism: Know the importance of a balanced diet

Autism already appears in the first three years of the child, where he develops a disorder that compromises communication and social interaction skills. In addition to parents seeking psychological and medical help, it is important to be especially careful with food.

The exact causes of autism are not yet known, but studies have shown that genetics and a set of external agents can cause autism. This disorder still has no cure and research has shown that a gluten-free diet can help alleviate autism. Check out some care regarding food for autistics.

Special cares

At first, autistics need to have a regular diet and have an exemption from casein, gluten and soy, as these foods can promote brain changes. They are also very resistant to introducing new foods to the menu.

Since 1995 from a survey, parents of children with autism noticed a difference when they started to incorporate a nutritional diet into their children's menu. These reported improvements in terms of language and behavior.

Autism: Know the importance of a balanced diet
rodnaeproductions / pexels

If autistic children ingest gluten and casein, the change in behavior is remarkable, as they become more aggressive, have gastrointestinal disorders, in addition to allergies.

What should autistic people eat?

  • Lots of fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants;
  • Foods that are rich in Omega 3 like salmon, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds;
  • Eating free-range eggs;
  • Eat meat, fish and poultry;
  • Use onion and garlic in the preparation of dishes, as they have immunostimulating properties;
  • Use olive oil.

What should autistic people not eat?

  • Soy;
  • Industrialized foods such as snacks, ready meals;
  • Foods with wheat, barley, rye and oats;
  • Milk and its derivatives;
  • Foods with dyes;
  • Drink soft drinks;
  • Eat a lot of sweets.

What are the main precautions in relation to food?

As autistics are very resistant to change, it is important to establish a menu routine and a reasonable time for them to eat. It also takes discipline and patience to make sure you include important and nutritional foods in your diet.

  • Is autism one of the stages of human evolution?
  • Learn about the most common types of autism
  • Music therapy for autistics
  • Identify if your diet needs improvement
  • Learn to achieve food balance and have more health

Experts warn that a balanced diet is essential for the improvement of those who have autism. Allied to this, behavioral therapies, love, patience and a lot of dedication.

To know more:
Book: “Austimo: Hope for Nutrition” by Claudia Marcelino.

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