Auriculotherapy: what is it and what are its benefits

Did you know that the ear has sensitive points responsible for various functions of the human body? That's right! It is through it that a specific method of therapy was created, used for the treatment of chronic diseases and even physical pain. Called auriculotherapy, this important area of ​​Traditional Chinese Medicine and already recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) is considered one of the branches of acupuncture and is a non-invasive method that has obtained great results.

Learn a little more about auriculotherapy and understand how it can benefit your health!

What is auriculotherapy?

This rather unusual name means “treatment through the ear”; “auricle” means ear and “therapy” means treatment. As the ear is full of nerve endings and points that, through stimuli, are able to produce different sensations, this type of method is considered effective in relieving symptoms and treating numerous diseases. Stimulating these points can be a beneficial way to treat and even diagnose imbalances in the human body. In fact, diagnoses occur when there are changes in the stimulated points.

Originating in traditional Chinese medicine, this type of therapy was developed from Hu Nan's archaeological discoveries, which contained reports on the connection of numerous areas of the body with the points present in the ear. Therefore, auriculotherapy is based on the principle that the human body tends to be reflected in the ear. In this way, when we precisely stimulate the correct auricular points, our body sends stimuli that help in the recovery of body balance.

The points mentioned here are precise areas of the ear that exactly represent the activity of a certain part of the organism and, as mentioned before, all the organs of our body are reflected in it. Most of these points are “activated” when there is some pathology in the zone to which it corresponds.

Auriculotherapy: what is it and what are its benefits
Edward Olive / 123rf

In a session of this therapy, when there is any change or disease in a person's body, the auricular point automatically releases a reaction that demonstrates compromise in its corresponding area. All reactions that arise during auriculotherapy may indicate a disease that has not yet manifested itself, but may disappear when the disease is healed.

How it works?

This therapy is similar to acupuncture, where the specialist (or therapist) will stimulate with needles, crystals, stones, metallic spheres, etc. the points on the ear that correspond to the respective organs of the body. It is worth remembering that the stimuli are made only in the ear, producing reflexes, harmonizing and balancing the patient's body.

When a point on the ear is stimulated, the individual may feel some sensations, such as a flow of energy running through the body, a heat that spreads through the ear and is reflected in specific areas of the body, etc.

Considered a microsystem, a small region of the body where nerve endings are present, the external part of the ear, also called the pinna, is capable of reflecting changes in different areas of our body, as well as pathophysiological and psychological changes. Thus, like acupuncture, auriculotherapy aims to balance not only the functions of the human organism, but also the Yin and Yang energies.

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Indication and functionality of auriculotherapy

This therapy is suitable for all types of people, including children, as long as the patient has no restrictions on the use of needles, if this is the method chosen by the therapist. The main point of auriculotherapy is to be constant, because when starting the treatment, you should not abandon it, nor do sessions that are too spaced. That's why it's important to always respect the instructions of a professional. As much as the use of needles can promote fear or fear in people, the process is painless!

Before auriculotherapy sessions, under no circumstances should the ear be sanitized. During the procedure, the patient may feel dizzy or stomach discomfort, as the reflexes from the stimulated areas can release reactions that present unpleasant sensations. This does not mean that the session will be painful, but rather that it is effective and will show you which parts of your body need treatment and attention.

Check out the main cases indicated for auriculotherapy:

  • Chronic diseases such as sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma and bronchitis;
  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Gastritis, ulcers, hiccups and diarrhea;
  • Facial paralysis, labyrinthitis and lupus erythematosus;
  • Low back pain, muscle strains and sciatic pain;
  • Menstrual changes and infertility;
  • Obesity;
  • Blindness;
  • Anxiety and depression.

Benefits of auriculotherapy

Auriculotherapy: what is it and what are its benefits
Edward Olive / 123rf

A non-invasive and extremely simple procedure, auriculotherapy is easy to apply, in addition to being an economical method and is indicated for the treatment of various diseases, as you can see. With few side effects, it is able to increase the patient's vitality, produce more energy for the body, reduce stress and promote muscle relaxation. Here are some more benefits of this treatment:

  • Decreases symptoms caused by abstinence in patients who give up drugs, alcohol and tobacco;
  • Increases body functions;
  • Reduces and controls pain;
  • Regulates the heartbeat;
  • Increases the immune system;
  • Controls anxiety;
  • Balances the patient's energies;
  • Produces a feeling of pleasure and well-being;
  • Reduces insomnia;
  • It highlights possible diseases that have not yet manifested;
  • Helps with weight loss and mood.

Unlike other therapeutic methods, auriculotherapy is completely natural and does not invade your body. Through it, you can treat various physical and psychic problems and still benefit in countless ways. There's nothing better than having and keeping the body in balance, so give this type of method a chance that is increasingly growing in España! Bet more on your health and learn about the powers and functions existing in your ears!

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