Attracting a perfect day (in every day)

When reading this title you must be thinking “how much optimism” or “how much nonsense, this is impossible”, but I hope that by the end of this reading you will be convinced that the impossible does not exist, that it is possible, yes, to attract a perfect day. and, who knows (here is my optimism speaking out loud), you can achieve this every day.

Let's get to the facts...

 If you are reading this today, you have been blessed with the grace to have opened your eyes this morning and to be alive, believe me: you are very lucky (for lack of a better word)!

So, I can already say that just for this reason you can already say: “What a perfect day!”, after all, you are alive, regardless of your situation, your problems and your limitations. Are you alive! Thank you and enjoy this day!

Now you think, "So, I woke up, I'm alive, but that doesn't guarantee a perfect day."

All right, let's go… For me, that would be reason enough, but I want to convince you, don't I!?

You woke up, you're alive, that is, you have 24 hours to do your best, with at least a thousand ways to do that. Ever heard of “We reap what we sow”? Well, the word cultivate was missing in that sentence! The right thing would be: “We reap what we sow if we cultivate”, so, sow, cultivate and reap. Believe in yourself, believe that everything has its time and give life time to do its great work: you. Have patience with it (life). We are the seed, what we reap are the fruits of our experience, but we will only reap good fruits if we cultivate the best of us, and there are a thousand ways to do that, seek yours.

Attracting a perfect day (in every day)

You are capable of much more than you imagine and life loves it when we bet on ourselves!

Making your life spectacular shouldn't be hard work, it should be natural. Does it seem too illusory?

I dare you to try, bet a day in your life, in life, on her ability to surprise us and your own to be happy. Then she tells me.

Yes, you can say, “A perfect day, I can do it, but everyone? Oh, this is too much!”

I'll give you items to follow, just four, choose one, two or all and if that way we get every day perfect, then we've accomplished our goal, otherwise follow the fifth step, my final tip, and I'll hope it works, no relying on luck, but on my faith in you!

1. fall in love 

That's right, fall in love with yourself, with life, with everything you have and the possibility of having more. Fall in love with your dreams (even the most fantastic ones), fall in love with the new, the old, the simple, the complex, the cold, the heat, the blue and pink. Fall in love with the glass of milk, the sun in the window, the floor at your feet, every cell in your body. Fall in love with anything and everything! Don't wait, just act.

It was passion that built the great works, the work of life. Passion is intense and convincing emotion that refers to desire. When you fall in love, you create an ideal and apply yourself to it. The passion for life makes you live, and living with that intensity your days will be perfect.

2. You can, just allow yourself 

The way is to believe, calm your heart, fight for your goals (and I hope you have them for every day of your life) and move on.

There are days when it seems that nothing goes right and that life is against us, but believe me, nothing, absolutely nothing, is by chance. Look beyond, see from a new angle, life speaks to us in this dialect, in this strange and complicated language at times. But she talks… So just listen, pay attention and you'll understand. So, your day will be perfect because everything will make sense!

3. Fly in the right direction (even if you don't know which one) 

Hey? Like this?

There is a motivational video about the butterfly that asks if the butterfly, as a caterpillar, is born knowing that it will fly. There it says that she only counts on herself and all she has to do is stop, forget about what is on the outside and focus on herself, because then she will know the right direction to fly, only on the inside she can find your transformation point.

And that's right, understand what's inside you, look at yourself every day, talk to yourself, listen to yourself, give yourself attention and be your best friend. And whatever the path, the direction you go is right, because you listened to your heart and pondered with your reason. The answer is already inside, outside is just a means.

4. Living doesn't hurt 

It hurts yes and how it hurts, but it doesn't hurt. Carlos Drummond de Andrade says: “Definitely, like everything that is simple. Our pain does not come from the things lived, but from the things that were dreamed and not fulfilled”. Did you understand? We suffer for what we don't live, not for what we live, the unfulfilled is what makes it hurt. It hurts because I didn't get the promotion, I didn't get that shoe, I didn't see that show, I didn't conquer that guy, but who can guarantee that the achievements of these things would bring this happiness? Nothing is guaranteed!

Just as nothing is final, so live each day, each moment, without regretting what could have been and each day will be perfect, because it was lived.

Arriving here, maybe for you nothing has gone right, and you want to follow item 5, I tell you that it is very simple to follow it, as long as you really want perfect days. Here's the fifth item...

5. start over 

Always start over, don't stop for any fall, recreate, reinvent if necessary, but never stop, start over and do it again. Anyway, just keep going!

Go back to your cocoon, fall in love again, allow yourself once more, fly to the other side, live the unlived, I only ask you not to stop, but start over. And your day will be perfect, for a new hope has been reborn. A new day was born, with a new opportunity, and if today doesn't work out either, remember: you can start all over again tomorrow, because every day is a perfect day to restart our search for happiness.

You may also like other articles by the author. Access: How to be an Optimist (Glass Half Full or Half Empty)

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