Art Therapy: Healing the Human Being to Heal the Planet

    Joy, love, peace, gratitude, respect, harmony, freedom, balance, awareness, sustainability… Feelings, dreams and values ​​move us and keep us alive. But when we are faced with the crisis resulting from the fragmentation of human perception, the inversion of values ​​and the disconnection of man with himself and with nature, we often find ourselves unmotivated, powerless. The impossibility of expressing oneself in the world, in an integral, spontaneous way, caused diseases to emerge in humanity that profoundly affect our soul.

    Bearing in mind that all the elements of the Universe are connected to each other, forming an immense web of life, we understand that healing will take place from the moment we raise our consciousness to unity, to integration with the whole. We need whole, creative and sensitive individuals to overcome these crises.

    “We want the world because it is beautiful, its sounds, its smells and its textures, the sensorial presence of the world as a body. In short, underneath the ecological crisis is the deeper crisis of love, that our love has abandoned the world, that the world is unloved, is the direct result of the repression of beauty, its beauty and our sensitivity to it. For love to return to the world, it is first necessary that beauty return or we will be loving the world only with a moral obligation […] Beauty before love is also in accordance with the all-too-human experience of being led to love by the enchantment of beauty” (James Hillman)

    I perceive Art as a way to reverse this situation. When we allow ourselves to be invaded by the artistic, we recover human aesthesia, returning to its deepest meaning: feeling with the heart. We re-enchanted! The aesthetic experience provided by art expands human consciousness, redirecting man towards the freedom of creation, promoting self-knowledge, personal maturity and integrality, making him sensitive, capable of creating new forms of perception and coexistence in his culture and with the whole web of life, in unity with it.

    Art Therapy: Healing the Human Being to Heal the Planet
    Amauri Mejia / Unsplash

    Artistic expression is the light that allows the conscious to see the unconscious content materialized, which can thus be observed and re-signified. When we give shapes, colors, textures, sounds and movements to our feelings, expressing and concretizing them, we manage to generate new connections and relationships between our most intimate issues and conflicts, which leads us to a new harmony and integrates us, shapes us and heals us. This is the art therapy process.

    The art therapist is a professional who will awaken his innate creativity in the individual, helping the externalization of feelings through the most diverse artistic techniques and helping to launch new looks and senses for the patient's creation. Without judgments and interpretations, the creative process, with proper management, will lead to a new understanding of the context surrounding what was produced.

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    Experiencing art therapy as a cure and Education (sensitive, based on human values) is a mission and necessity of our society. As we know more about ourselves, we welcome and understand each other better, we make decisions with more clarity and consistency, adopting more responsible, ethical and loving attitudes and relationships with ourselves, with others and with the planet. In this context, it is urgent to include the understanding of art therapy in the training of educators - who, in addition to the mere reproduction of techniques, will experience their own healing process and will pass it on to their students. It is the transformation of being transforming the world.

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