Are you ready to start a new year?

Oh! How many ideas, projects and works inhabit our minds for the beginning of a new year, right? It seems that a new energy takes over our thoughts and bodies. And suddenly, when we realize, the routine has taken over everything again. And in a short time, once again, we begin to deal with disappointments, complaints, dissatisfaction of ourselves and those around us. Why does this happen? Often, we look for blame for this situation and we don't want to think about our participation in making things happen this way.

How about we start the year differently, since the year alone can't do anything for us?

We can start by analyzing why so much animation and then the fall into sameness. Are we focusing on doing something with a focus on the present or are we just thinking about what will happen in the future? Or do we put our thoughts only on the future, as if our life was there with all the happiness we desire?

Are you ready to start a new year?

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If we are doing this, we are shifting our psychological moment from the present to the future, generating anguish or anxiety. And, certainly, linking us to the illusion, because the only real moment that allows us to do something is the present time, the now. When we focus on the future waiting for something to happen, we miss the present and this makes us understand that nothing comes from the future, it just comes from our accomplishments in the current moment.

The philosopher Mario Sérgio Cortella talks about the difference between “waiting” and “hoping”. When we wait for something to happen, we stand still, without action, and with that, the now disappears. To hope is to go after, seek and make it happen. It is linked to attitudes we take now so that the future can happen. This completely changes the scenario.

From the moment we understand this and act in this way, we begin to practice the power of now, according to the writer Eckhart Tolle. He says that “when we align ourselves to the present moment, a new perception of reality emerges, much purer, deeper and more powerful”.

Are you ready to start a new year?

We know that we are living in the now when we allow ourselves to feel the nature that surrounds us, it is when we see with the eyes of the soul the best of ourselves and our neighbor; it is when we feel the breath with all its intensity of life and freedom; it is when we open our perceptions to see what is beyond matter.

Therefore, if we are looking forward to a new year, let's allow the new one to start within ourselves so that we can then express to the world the importance of the present, love, inner change, now and the real in our lives!

I wish you all hope for a new and better year!

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