Are you emotionally deprived?

All people feel needy from time to time. All people like to receive affection, praise and words of affection. It's completely normal to feel alone in some situations and want other people's attention.
Social isolation

However, if this is a frequent and intense feeling, it can negatively affect our relationships. A person who seeks constant affection and attention can become a burden to others who are unable to satisfy all this demand and feel overwhelmed.

In this way, the person who is in need ends up unconsciously pushing away those who live with him, increasing his loneliness and the demand on those who continue to be part of his cycle.

Are you emotionally deprived?

This is a very delicate situation both for those who experience this difficulty and for their friends and family, who do not like to see their loved one going through this difficulty, but who cannot meet all their need for affection and do not know what to do to help her.

It's more common than we think

It is likely that you identified with this description. Perhaps you know someone who is extremely emotionally and emotionally needy, or perhaps you yourself are constantly seeking approval and attention from others.

Affective deficiency is a very recurrent problem, which affects men and women of all ages. A large part of the population believes that they are not receiving the love they need in their lives.

Know other symptoms

If you have identified what has been described so far in yourself or in someone you live with, it is important to be aware, because this is a characteristic picture of extreme emotional dependence, caused by affective lack.

We have separated for you a list of other common symptoms in people who have this condition:

  • Extreme submission;
  • Belief that happiness is conditional on other people;
  • Feelings of inferiority;
  • Fear of loneliness;
  • Lack of plans for one's life;
  • Fear of displeasing others;
  • Excessive jealousy.
Know how to treat

The first step in dealing with emotional need is to strengthen self-esteem. Start by looking at your own qualities, pay attention to what you have that's good, make a list of all the qualities you can observe in yourself, it can start small, but add something new each day. Think about how important these qualities are in your everyday life, realize how important they are and value what you have good.

It is also important that you do not condition your happiness on other people. Those who are part of your life should be there to add, not to supply your needs.

Going through this situation can require a lot of effort and discipline, after all, it requires a change in your pattern of thoughts and habits. So do not hesitate to seek psychological help. Surely this professional will help you to discover the origin of the problem and will show you the way for you to recover your self-esteem.

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