Are you a highly sensitive person (PAS)?

Do you feel everything very intensely, always think about the other and often feel exhausted when you have to deal with a lot of stimuli? Well, know that you can be a highly sensitive person (PAS)!

We have prepared this article to introduce you to what highly sensitive people are, how to identify one and what it means. Check out!

What is a highly sensitive person (PAS)?

The highly sensitive person, in a nutshell, has a certain ability to pick up on small details that normally go unnoticed by other people. In addition, they are hypersensitive people, that is, they feel everything very intensely, even if they are small things. In addition, they are always very committed to everything or everyone they get involved with.

Are you a highly sensitive person (PAS)?
Dean Drobot / Canva

Because of this intensity that characterizes their existence, these people often need to isolate themselves and spend time in their own presence, because this works like recharging the battery, since too much stimulation can be very tiring and even exhausting for those who feel a lot and live with everything. intensity.

How to identify a highly sensitive person?

There are no tests or a kind of diagnosis, as this is not a problem, but a personality trait. However, some characteristics are common among highly sensitive people, and we list some of them. Look:

• One of the main features of PAS it's your empathy. They are able to put themselves in the other's shoes and always give people a voice, listening to their arguments and stories very carefully;

• They're people detail, who remember the small details of a story told years ago and who also pay close attention to anything, regardless of what it is;

• These people get carried away a lot by the intuition, despite knowing how to balance reason and emotion well. They can more or less intuit what they should do whenever they need to make a decision or give someone advice;

• Despite being emotional, they are very analytical and that can process a lot of information, knowledge and content, so they tend to be intelligent people and connected to knowledge and arts;

• They are very flexible. They can be sure of one thing, but they are always open to changing their minds and are not ashamed to admit that they were wrong before;

• They are people with a lot of emotional intelligence, that is, they feel a lot, but they manage to manage everything they feel. In addition, they usually express themselves by saying “I feel that…”, instead of “I think that…”;

• They are extremely open about what they feel and do not try to hide or conceal anything. hate games and they don't hide any feelings. If they're in love, they speak up; if they are hurt, they speak too;

Are you a highly sensitive person (PAS)?
Lukas_Rychvalsky from pixabay / Canva

• Despite loving and being connected to loved ones, really appreciate solitude and the hobbies and activities they do alone, because this serves as a battery recharge for the fatigues of life and social interactions;

• Despite enjoying solitude, they work very well as a team and are able to mediate and reconcile different opinions and positions of many people, without displeasing anyone;

• Prefer quieter environments and in which there is not an infinity of stimuli, voices and sounds, which can make them feel exhausted;

• Prefer meetings with a few or even a single friend, rather than large events with a lot of people;

• In terms of relationships, tend to prefer deep relationships and more significant, often even having difficulty relating in a more superficial way;

• They have difficulty dealing with the immense amount of stimuli and information from social networks, so they use them sparingly or even are not present in the networks;

• They are not exaggerated or dramatic, but they are usually judged as such because we live in a society where hiding feelings, avoiding crying, among other behaviors, are the norm.

What are the delights of being a PAS?

“Each one knows the pain and delight of being what he is”, sings Caetano Veloso, in the song “Dom de iludir”, so only those who are PAS can say with certainty what are the positive points of having a personality like this, but Below are some of the positive aspects of this type of behavior:

  1. They tend to dedicate themselves to each other without expecting anything in return;
  2. Have more emotional intelligence to deal with problems;
  3. They know very well what their dreams and desires are and what hurts them;
  4. express what they think and feel without fear of being judged;
  5. don't fear loneliness and control their affective and emotional needs;
  6. They think about the collective;
  7. They know how to dedicate themselves to others without neglecting their needs;
  8. They maintain long, lasting and healthy relationships, based on understanding and respect;
  9. Can control anxiety and depression, for they have a great deal of control over their thoughts;
  10. They tend to love knowledge and are very intelligent.

What are the pains of being a PAS?

If there are delights, there are also pains… And what are the main difficulties in the life of a highly sensitive person? Here are a few, check them out:

Are you a highly sensitive person (PAS)?
Elijah O'Donnell from Pexels/Canva
  1. They are often misunderstood, because their behavior is very different from the standard expected by society;
  2. Often judged as dramatic or emotional, because they express their emotions without any fear;
  3. They are often considered fragile, even being the opposite of that;
  4. Some people may take advantage of your empathy and willingness to help, as well as your vulnerability;
  5. May feel lacking in deep connections in a world of more superficial relationships;
  6. They have difficulty with the competitiveness of the professional world;
  7. They can end up isolating themselves because they enjoy the moments of solitude so much;
  8. They often end up frustrated for not seeing their ideals come to fruition;
  9. They can suffer from a lot of stimuli and information coming from all directions;
  10. And they suffer even more in a world where social networks dominate, with their excess of information and frequent superficiality.

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Anyway, being a PAS has its positive and negative sides, and only a person who is like that can assess whether it does more good than harm, but it is undeniable that knowing that there are empathetic people, available for the other and who love without fear gives a little hope, isn't it? May no PAS be ashamed of being who they are!

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