Do not work too hard! Have emotional responsibility! Your kids need you more than they need your money!

Do not work too hard! Have emotional responsibility! Your kids need you more than they need your money!

The modern world runs fast in a way that gives us the feeling that time flies. We live in constant anguish of not having enough time to do all the tasks we want, take all the trips we want, read all the books we buy and, even worse, give the necessary attention to the ones we love the most. On the one hand, the urge to succeed and have a stable financial situation, and on the other, the black hole of affection we create in our children with our constant absence.

Have you ever stopped to think: do I dedicate enough time to my child? Do I share enough of his life to truly know him?

Do not work too hard! Have emotional responsibility! Your kids need you more than they need your money!
Anna Kolosyuk/Unsplash

Not all the money in the world pays for the time you won't spend with your child, and one day when time doesn't give you more time it will be too late. We will have to play in balance. Yes, work, because it is necessary to provide them with living conditions, health and education, clothing and food, but we cannot forget to work on their affections as well. Create a nest for them in a hug, give them mental health based on a daily life of affection and attention, educate them by paving the way by your side. A child does not understand the value of a coin, but understands the language of affections. And love can't be bought.

Material possessions are fleeting, they distract them for a few hours until the emotional void sets in again. Material possessions do not create memories or stories to tell later in life. We cannot forget that we parents are the platform and baggage for your future life. We are nest and wings at the same time. And if we raise our birds the right way, they will have wings to fly high on their own, but those same wings will make them always return to the nest as a form of recognition. And later, they will be the ones who will snuggle us when we can no longer fly alone. Love is repaid with love.

Do not work too hard! Have emotional responsibility! Your kids need you more than they need your money!
CDC EAH/Unsplash

Let us be aware that a child will only be happy and complete if he has all the attention he needs from us in the right measure.

For this reason, invest in quality time with your children, create routines of your own, share, talk, discuss, have a lot of fun and grow together. Happy children will certainly be happier, fulfilled adults. Invest in your child so that the future for both is brighter and more peaceful.

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Parents are decisive figures and have to take on all the responsibility that this entails. Being a father is knowing how to add to the child's life, knowing how to share life with the child, it is multiplying his life. The only thing we cannot afford is to take away the child's life.

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